Where The F**K is my Period?????


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Ok i thought i would do this thread for all of us girlies who have been waiting for af to arrive forever!!!! I have been waiting for mine since may 17th have had a few moments where she was going to put an appearance in but didnt bother. WHERE ARE YOU AUNT FLOW? your niece Tammy Pon is waiting to see you :wall2::wall2::wall2:
Certainly is AWOL! Missing for me since 9th May!
3rd May for me :(
Anyone know any ways to get it started?? xx
Do hot baths bring on af? Or any herbal stuff anyone knows about? x
AF missing since 16th April :shock:

I think mustard tried parsley tea but said it was awful?!
Did it work though? I don't care what it tastes like as long as it works xx
Oh my gawd... Aunt Flo really has gone AWOL... I know I was 10 days late last month and due again just after the weekend so we shall see if she turns up on time lol.

As for bringing it on? Tempt fate? Physically plan the most kinkiest sex you can think of??? (Planned sex always used to result in AF turning up for me when I was young lmao) - worth a shot maybe? xx
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Good idea hunnie but not really an option for me. Anything you can get in a health shop maybe? xx
No she said it didnt work.

I decided to go swimming this morning, got to the car and was having the most horrendous cramps....but she was teasing!
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um... some good suggestions on here... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080902193208AAd23cO

and "rival" forum http://www.babyandbump.com/trying-t...e-anything-you-can-do-bring-period-early.html

and also... http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2572295/delayed_period_ways_to_bring_your_period.html?cat=5

Other than those, I can't think of anything else as personally not needed to "bring my period on" before but some good advice amongst those links. Especially the 3rd link as it's supposed to be advice from a doctor :) xx
Whenever I wait for AF it never comes, it's the day I say 'forget it clearly i'm never going to have a perod again' is when it comes! lol I know it's really cr*ppy advice but try to do anything to take your mind off waiting, even if it's planning what you're going to try differently next month or something silly like baking cookies :) good luck hope the bugger gets here soon! xxx
I can beat you all....8th of bloody april :( 10 weeks and counting.......
all i can think of is the medical route at this stage which is one i dont want to go down im wondering if i had let nature take its course after mc and not had D and C maybe it would be back by now
I know nurse it must be awful hun have you had any answers yet? xxx
No i had some hormonal bloods taken last wed and got the results today, apparently i was OVing when bloods were taken, so Dr said AF should come in the next week, have to say i've taken that with a pinch of salt, we shall see

Wonder why she is tormenting so many of us??
aw hun i hope it does come for you it would be about bloody time. xxxxx
anyone going to try the grape juice suggest by a doctor in one of my links? would be interesting to find out if that theory does indeed work ;-) xx

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