when will you tell the parents????.......


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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I am gagging to shout it to the world but I'm only 4 weeks and 4 days!!
I booked an early pregnancy scan for the 7th May, when I will be nearly 8 weeks gone so if all goes well will break the news then but my DH is like a kiddie at Xmas and I reckon he'll let slip before then!! Tut tut!


I told work at 4 weeks due to duties and my parents at about 6 weeks. Im not one for waiting and we were comfy with the telling. We told OH parents on Mothers Day and announced on Facebook later that day.
Im not telling anyone until my 12wk scan. My husbands sister is getting married in may so i don't want to spoil her day iykwim.
I really want to tell my family, but my Boyf wont let me until the first scan. I have told a few close friends but thats it.
Not sure if i can keep it secret for that long!!

I know how you feel Mellyy... I only have one week left until my scan and still I want to yell it out... We have decided together to wait to tell parents until we are sure the 1st Trimester has gone successfully...

Did tell my sister last weekend as she told me she was pregnant too... As we had both been trying for so long I wanted to tell her so she did not feel bad aout being pregnant and me not. :)
Ahhh Chookette, thats lovely, you will be going through it together :)

im still very new to all this, i spoke to my doctor this morning and she says that i am just 5 weeks, so still got 7 ish untill my scan, think thats right?!! have a doc app in a couple of weeks so will know more then.

My boyf wants to wait, like you to make sure everything is ok first, he has quite suprised me thought he would be telling everyone lol!!

We told a few close friends as we went skiing for the weekend. they would of guessed as I was not skiing or drinking so decided to just tell them. Let us say it out loud to someone which was nice.

Am so looking forward to tell my mum and be able to show a photo at the same time...

We did not want to stress our parents early on until we knew things were really happening... :)
Telling my parents over Easter when we go to visit, but not telling anyone else til after my first scan :)
I have booked and Early Preganancy scan on 7th May (i'll be nerly 8 weeks by then) so gonna make sure all's good and tell them after this!
12 weeks is just way too long to keep it a secret!!!!!!!!!!!!....................its constantly on the tip of my tongue!
Good job i have you girlies to blurt it out to, i'd be going mad if not!!
Tell me about it.... Coming onto this forum was the first thing I did after we found out we were pregnant.... Helped make it real otherwise its just you and your OH. :)
We told all our family at 4/5 weeks! I couldn't wait and figured that if anything had happened, I would want their support anyway x
i am at centre parcs at the moment, and found out that one of the kids (my cousin) has chicken pox, so we have had to tell the whole of my side of the family who are here with us as they were wondering why i was avoiding the children!
We have decided not to tell my husbands family as they will drive us insane coming around all the time and sticking their nose in... so we are going to wait until the little peanut is old enough to tell them itself!!!.... xxx

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