When will you start maternity leave?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Maybe a bit early to think about it for most of us but has anyone decided yet? I'm due 7th Feb so I'm thinking about using up 4 or 5 days hols over Xmas and starting it on 2nd Jan - so in theory I finish work just before Xmas.

How long do people think they need off before the baby comes?
i love to have at least 4 weeks off before but id rather have more time when its born. :hug: not too sure yet when i am.
I am planning to go on mat leave 11 weeks before due date. Sounds really early but I don't want to take any chances and want to take things very easy. I am finding being pregnant very tiring and am dreading what I will be feeling like in a few weeks.

I think it is a personal choice, some want to go early, others want to have as much time with baby after the birth. Do what you feel is right for you.

I can take a further 26 weeks unpaid leave when mat leave runs out, so I have that option too. xx
I know the rules changed after April this year - do we get SMP for 9 months now instead of 6?
I thought I would start mine as late as possible but it does get more difficult than I thought towards the end. I am finishing this Thursday at 38+3. I had always thought first babies arrived late so I would still have a couple of weeks - but baby is quite low and I do not now think it will be late. I didn't want to be sat at home bored though, waiting for the baby to come. I would try and leave it as late as you can to decide to see how you feel.
I'm due about the same time as you mandspice, 4th Feb, and I am planning on doing the same as you. I finish up for Xmas on the 21st Dec so with holidays, etc I don't plan on coming back after that!!!
i'm due 20th jan (until scan which will prob put me back) so i have decided to finish 21st dec and take rest of dec as hols to start mat leave on 2nd jan. We have a history of being early in my family.. plus i'd like the extra time to get things finished before baby arrives.

You do continue to accrue your holidays whilst on maternity leave so i am taking 6mths off and then having 2 wks hols at the end as its fully paid

Mandspice - you do get 9mths now instead of 6
Hi Eileen - Yeah, it seems sensible doesn't it, as we have Xmas it's a natural break - and it'll be a lovely time to finish :cheer:
Im thinking the same, finish just before christmas then take annual leave for three weeks in January and start mat leave on 21st ish, im due on 30th, but Im not sure if I can do this.

Does your employers pay anything towards your leave?? Mine doesnt unfortunatly. It seems so far away now, but Im sure it will fly by
Thanks Rachie.

I think I get paid holiday - I need to check everything with my employer...does anyone have to pay back the contractual (ie extra) maternity pay offered by their employer if they don't go back to work?

Is anyone thinking of not going back to work? We can't really afford it but I'm only going to work part time - either at my current job or, if they won't have me, somewhere else - I want to be able to see the baby grow up as much as poss!
i never got to my maturnity leave as i kept collapsing in work so i had to go on sick leave b4 my maturnity started.
if u decide not to go back to work you dont have to pay anything back.
i went back few a few weekends but my back hurts so much after havin the baby that i couldnt work there anymore. They were understanding, and i didnt pay anything back.
jemz24 said:
if u decide not to go back to work you dont have to pay anything back.

Unless it stipulates otherwise in your contract or your workplace's maternity policy. You should check these carefully as some places DO insist that you pay it back if you don't return. Mercifully, my workplace doesn't and there's a strong possibility that we might move up north after the baby's born thus allowing me not to work at all.
guess i was lucky then. then i would find out first :think:
I am going to try and work as late as I can- I should have some holiday left- hopefully 3w so will try and work til xmas then use the holiday for the rest of Dec and start of Jan so I start mat leave nearish the due date.
Hey guys

You all sound so organised, I havent even thought about it at all yet. Im only 6 weeks pregnant after ivf treatment so all I seem to be concentrating on is getting to my first scan and by the 12 week mark as I have had a miscarriage b4 at 9 weeks.

I suppose it would be nice to stop at xmas though, I will need to start looking into it.
my maternity leave started 21st June.. when i was 33 weeks...

planning on only taking 3 months off...
I'm starting maternity leave at 34 weeks but have 3 weeks annual leave to take too so I'm off as of next Friday :cheer: I'm moving house next month so need the time off to get organised anyway :D

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