when to give up work


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2011
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I just cant decide

I only went back in feb after 6 months off doing IVF

the job is stress free but i leave at 7.30 and home at 6.30pm.

my contract finishes next Friday ill be 33.5 weeks but feels too soon?? i could ask them to extend for a few weeks at most, but Work from home for few days

Or do I just bite bullet and finish up.

its scary i dont want to get lazy at home but i also do have so much to do, with all building work be done by then i could get cracking

just my independence will be gone, no wages just for me to spend and no city life its all so real!!!
Hmmm. I would say make the decision on whether you need the money or not.

I'm only working as long as poss for the money. But i'm struggling a bit this week. Hope its just a phase though. I seem to have good and bad weeks. It's definitely tougher being on your feet all day (compared to my last desk job).

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
I'm finishing Friday and I'm only 31 +3!! Although its,ain't because I have so much annual leave to take. My actual maternity leave isn't until 11th August! Lol

It depends on how your finding it really. I'm nackered now if I'm honest and can't image going any longer at work x
I agree with Giz. If you need the money then continue as long as you can but if you don't, I think you'd be better to leave sooner rather than later. It's important to rest the last few weeks and if you're commuting in this heat you might find it a lot harder in the next few weeks x
I gave up at 35 weeks and personally struggled the last few weeks! I was driving to work so didn't have the worry of public transport but used to leave at 6:30am and get in at 6pm! I saw a midwife at 34 weeks and she was shocked I was still working so my advise would be bite the bullet but its really down to how you feel xx
I finish next monday, but i have annual leave put in until 19th august and then start my mat leave. So ill still get paid and that. But ill be 30 weeks, god knows what ill do for the next 10 weeks lol. Xx
You guys are making me jealous!!! I'll be over 37 weeks on my last day. I'd like to last out cos then my maternity leave will start when the baby arrives. (work in a school)

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
I'll be 34 weeks and 4 days as going til end of term so my mat leave starts day before due date, as in a school like Giz.
If you're struggling don't keep going too long, it's not worth it. You'll need your energy for labour and then your little bubs. You do very long days!
I worked up to 38 weeks and felt fine. If Im honest I still feellike I could be ok. I want as much time with button as I can so wanted to work as long as I could. Im a teacher and was on my feet all the time but not manual work.
It's quite a personal thing. Commuting doesn't help, am glad I don't do that. My spd is getting a bit shit so dreading it getting worse as I shuffle about at work as it is!
I defo think you should take on working from home for a while as I said in august thread. Especially as the commute makes your day so long. And you have been wfh a little bit now. Travel makes it all that bit harder.

Ill only be 32+6 when I finish tomorrow. I am going to have a week or so of relaxation before properly preparing for baby joshua.

Luckily my mum is getting married in september so I can spend a bit of time helping with that for a couple of weeks xx

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Thanks girls for.all your replies. ..its.an odd one as Im temporary staff.since feb but there gonna offer me a job before I leave that I can go bwck to.but hr lady is so busy to speak to me and potentially I could be entitled. To.some holiday which means id get paid still for being off.
I don't get maternity from them just standard government pay.

Tbh from this month's hours I worked out I could give myself a salay for July and for august.will.cover my outgoings and ill have. Spending. Mo ey.i guess its.more.point that if I go back part time.it be year from when I leave so less time.with moo.

I don't think ive seen anyone as big as me in city.i feel like the most. Pregnant. Person.ever.ha ha.

I'm actually fine when I get.to work its the 20 min walk to station. The 45min.train.with big men who give me.no space and the 15min walk to office and that again in evening. ...
Roll on tmrw.my commute is from bedroom to kitchen.where ill be working from home or sitting in fsrden probably.
Nite.ladies xxx
It's a totally personal thing. I am a teacher and worked 8-6 with a 40min drive each side. I finished at 37 weeks and to be honest could have gone to 38 (glad I didn't though as she arrived at 39 weeks!). I felt absolutely fine right til the end, not even particularly tired, but if you have issues such as spd or sickness then I'm sure you would want to go sooner.
Wow positive....i couldn't cope with a 10 minute walk right now!

Only you know your body and what you can handle though. Go with your gut instinct.

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
Im working until 38 weeks. But I do office work, so figured sitting at my desk wouldnt be so much different to sitting at home, but I would probably be more bored at home. My maternity starts on my due date, and I am taking two weeks leave before. I only live a 10-15 min walk away from work so commuting isnt a problem, I quite like the walk too as it keeps me active. Also I would prefer the extra time off with my baby after I think :)
I'm finishing at 35 weeks as I have holiday time to use, I'm feeling ok at the moment but still got 7 weeks left. Maybe I'll start struggling towards the end but I hope not. Like everyone says, I suppose its about how you feel. The commute would be enough to put me off though. X
I'm finishing at 30 weeks. It takes me an hours commute to get to work & on the way home I add a 40 minute walk onto that. I'll be taking time to relax & nest before bubs arrives x
Thanks girls - have worked from home today and actually been busy this afternoon mind u i did take a 2 hour lunch break, went for walk, saw mother in law picked up car from garage and went homebase ha ha.. so been doing meetings in diary all afternoon - ooh but only20mins till i log off

got up at 8.30 no commute so not overheating - and in between i have managed to get a few bits in house sorted

i am applying for the internal role today so once HR interview me i will know if i am eligible for any holiday that i could take that will help me decide - if anything I might just do an extra week or two but work from home for bit.

i would like more time at home with Moo so the later the better as i say ill see what HR say and also how scan goes tomz xxx
Hi hun, I don't think there is ever a perfect time. I am in my second week of maternity leave now, worked up till 36 weeks. I was hoping/thinking baby might be early as my first came at 37 weeks so didnt want to risk if! Plus I have soooo much deep cleaning and tidying I wanted to do! I think in hindsight I probably could have worked at least another week, but I was getting really stressed towards the end so actually am really glad I don't have to worry anymore (even tho I am still taking work calls!). Only thing that worries me is if I go overdue as that will still be up to 4 weeks away... Aggh I hope not!
Hope your hr meeting goes well xxx
Thanks hunny well i just had bad news that the poxy decorator cant start till Monday now so he will be here the week i want to give up !! so am now in a tizz. coz my actual contract finishes next friday but i could ask that they extend for another week!! jsut hassle.
its doing my head in now . by time he finishes ill 34 weeks and then bf needs to paint nursery, then i need to take delivery of furniture, wash clothes am scared i am going to run out of time.
so next week i cant work from home going to have to do a full week commuting unless i can do a day at mother in law house or just take a day off say Friday.
sorry for going on just feels like i am not ready ...
are u getting stuff sorted though hunny at home> xx

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