When the growth spurt ends...


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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...will I actually know?!

I know that sounds silly but I was planning on trying to get Lily to sleep in her cot from next week as dh is off work so can help me out, but she is and has been waking every half hour during the evening and then around every 1 to 1.5 hours during the night. She seems to settle ok when I get into bed which is making me worry that its not the growth spurt just her getting used to me being there. She does want to eat though when I go to her so i guess this is the growth spurt? :think:
God i'm tired- sorry!
yes you probably will hun.
The 4 month growth spurt is horrendous...it feel like it goes on forever...think our was about 3/4 weeks. After she was a worse sleeper than she was before, but it didn't seem so bad as I was use to her been up constantly. She woke 2 or 3 times a night after.
Hope it ends soon.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel like Daniel is in constant groth spurt! Probably will last till he is about 25! :lol:

Sorry, no help :hug:
You will know when it ends, for me, it stopped just as quickly as it started. :hug: :hug: :hug: It DOES end at some point, it feels like a lifetime but when it gets back to normal it's like....what was all that fuss about? :lol: :hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies. Well she only woke up 5 times last night between 6.30 pm and 7.45am this morning :cheer:

That is a major improvement so heres hoping we're nearing the end :pray:

I know I' not the only one that's going through this as so many on here talk about it, but how come the people in RL don't talk about it?! No-one in my NCT group complains about sleepless nights. If I didn;t have you guys I would think I was the worst mum in the world!
You are not a bad mum and we all did/still do our share of sleepless nights. :hug:

I think in "real life" people tend not to grumble at all and present as if they are yummy mummies with babies who have been able to sleep through the night and feed themselves from the moment they were born! :lol:
I am :pray: it ends soon - she is 5 months next Sunday and I kinda have that date in my mind...

TBH I am totally shattered. She doesn't sleep for about more than 2 hours at a time at the moment and when she is awake she wants to be held and entertained. Which is fine but god knows how I managing it energywise! Y'know the zombies in horror films - that's me on a good day. :lol: It hasn't helped that this week I have had a killer cold and kept getting dizzy spells and she is also teething which is making her grumpy.

Luckily she is usually a happy, calm little girl - I don't know how I would cope if she was crying all the time as well.

But like you said - it is a good job I have this place as well because, knowing this is totally normal, helps loads.

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