When should you been seen?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Good Morning Ladies

When should you been seen by your doctor? Midewife etc?

I was told 2 weeks ago i had to wait for a letter which would be sent in 6 - 8 weeks!?

This seems like a long time to be waiting when i thought an early scan would get rid of SOME worries not all....

Everyone i know says they were seen within a week of informing their doctor. This seems awfully strange!?


I'm going to see gp today and then they will refer me to midwife. All surgeries do it differently. Some gp's don't even see you first, they just refer to midwife, who normally see's you about 8-9 weeks. Your first scan will be about 12 weeks, you would only get an early scan if you have a history of problems :) or a cause for concern x x
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Do yuo recon i should speak to my gp again? i have been getting lower back ache and i know it's not a water infection because i went to the walk in centre yesturday. i would prefer to speak to a midwife that way i can ask everything i need to?
Maybe hun :) lower backache can be quite normal, I've had it quite a bit already, unless of course it's unbearable. Maybe ring them and tell them you're concerned and ask for midwife's number x x
Hi Hun I saw my gp on 22nd dec and they rang me on thurs to book me in for today to see midwife. Think diff areas must have diff procedures. And I've had lower back ache too and occasional mild af type cramps but I've been told that it's normal and many other ladies on here have had the same so I know it's difficult but try not to worry xxx
hi hun

i saw my GP straight after my BFP at 4 weeks and she referred me; but midwives in my area won't do your booking appointment until your at least 8 weeks (don't know if its any different in your area).

clara x
I didn't bother with doctors. Both times I went to my local surestart centre and got the midwifey number for my local hospital and they booked me in with my local midwife at the surestart centre. I rang up about 5/6 weeks pregnant and was seen 7 weeks pregnant x I got an early surprise scan as I had a section previously and this pregnancy is so close they wanted to check my dates at 8 weeks and 2 days x
i went to docs today and she said she would be writing letter to midwife and i asked do i have to wait or can i call tomorrow and she said i can call tomorrow and gave me contact details so i am goin to do that to speed things up, maybe contact your gp to get the contact details for your local midwife hun save waiting around xxx

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