When is too soon to go back to work?


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Feb 5, 2012
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I know this is a completely individual question but i'm trying to be realistic...

Owning a small business it will cost me a fortune for every week I have off as I have to directly employ someone to do the job I would otherwise do (around £1000+ per week - not that I would get paid anywhere near that!). So, although I would love to have 6-9 months at home with my baby, 8 weeks is probably all I can afford. Is this completely unrealistic (even with lots of help from Mum and Hubby)and I need to rethink the finances (or rob a bank), or is it doable? not from a childcare front, more from an emotional / health and well-being front. I'm sure 'll be doing some bits from home after a couple of weeks, but actually physically at work 10-11hours/day, 4 days a week?

Any opinions (even if just to tell me i'm mad or terrible for even thinking such a thing) appreciated.

When is too soon to go back to work?

Legally you have to take 2 weeks but after that it's your call. Can't really help more than that I'm afraid!
Can you work from home at all?

It is completely up to you and how you feel really. From a money point of view it would take away some of the stress about finances. Could you do part time and emoloy someone part time?
I think it's a totally different question when you own your own business, as you have commitments that regular employees don't have. My boss was back at work 3 days after her c section, which I personally thought was horrific - far too early!

I don't think there is an Answer to this question because i think it depends so
Much on individuals circumstances.

Are you planning to breastfeed? Will you miss work? In the grand scheme of life, 6-9 months isn't that long and
Will Give you quality time with your baby. bUt, of you did yourself trying to
Juggle too much (working on laptop whilst feeding, then working all night) you may find yourself exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I think either way, jump into
The decision head first. If you're going to
Take time off, do it without a glance backwards for 6 months, which means finding someone you entirely trust. And I know that your own business is really like your baby too.

I don't envy your dilemma... Good luck!!! Xx
its a tough call. but you are the only one who can make it!

the thought of going back to work even part time is breaking me right now, you spend 24 hours a day with your LO and the thought of not being with her is hard so i personally could no way do 4, 10-11 hour days. I think i would miss Ella way too much and my mind would be on her and not the job!

maybe if you need to go back so early it would be better to gradually get to 10-11 hour days rather than shoot straight in... it might have a bigger effect on you emotionally than you can even imagine right now not to mention physically. i wasnt back to my 'normal' self until Ella was about 8 weeks old, i was bleeding heavily and was quite sore...i had a lot of stitches.. it is probably something you will be able to decide better on when baby is here x
Agree with others best to see how you feel and build up to it. Couple of people I know take lo in with them for few hours over their nap time so at least you are there with the lo if you are finding it hard. It is about the quality of the time we spend with our children not how much time though. I would say you need to look after yourself though as it willbe tough and you can't be everything to everyone or you will wear yourself out. You will wear yourself down very quickly if you try to bf super employer and super mum. The best of both of them you can be is good enough. Plus if you havent already get other people to do what you can pass ie cleaning, ironing etc if you cDn afford it! You need time to rest too x
Like the others say it will be hard but it is doable if your in the right mind set for it. Just don't push yourself and expect too much. I couldn't imagine working yet as Im still breast feeding every 2-3 hours day and night as i have such a hungry boy, Im lucky to find time for putting make up on and drying my hair, Im normally a really organised person who's never late!
The other thing i will say and sorry if i sound harsh or out of order but i went back to work when my dd was 16 weeks (15 years ago) and missed so much its not until this time round Im realising how much and you never get this new baby time back, work is just work at the end of the day. I regret putting my career first, obviously your situation is different as you have your own business so are in control of hours etc whereas i was in the RAF at the time working shifts and going away. Maybe build up by doing one or two days or less hours to start with. Good luck what ever you decide but only you can make that choice.
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I had to go back after Owen turned 6 weeks :( but he is with my Mum so that's good at least! I got the job whilst preg and had to start when I did!! X
I personally couldnt have gone back so soon. I think it depends hugely on your labour/birth and not just how youre coping with motherhood (lack of sleep!) but also how youre recovering from the birth. Are you planning on breast feeding? I remember my stitches were still very painful until at least 12 weeks or more x
i started 2 weeks after i had J. OH and i were students at the time so we were lucky that for a lil while we could balance 'baby care' duty however at 2 months j was in a nursery!!

Very personal decision. could you not go part time??

Thanks for all the comments. I work 4 long days and the occasional Saturday a week plus paperwork. mum is going to look after bub for at least 2 days (she'd do every day but think my OH might go slowly insane if Mum stayed with us every night...), I have 1 day off, OH will do 4 day week and nursery 1 day. I would love to breast feed (work is 15 mins from home) but not sure if will be able to express as much as needed for inbetween feeds even if bub brought to me 3 times in the day.
Work is also stood up pretty much all day so if stitches or caesar will likely need longer - ouch. Part time would be lovely but would lose too much business if away for long.
I suppose it will all work out. If some of you guys can do it that gives me hope.

My mums moved in with us to watch o ( she usually lives in abroad) so its hard on oh!! X
It's definitely possible and not a problem to go back to work after 8 weeks. Hubby and I have a dairy farm and I've started back milking and doing some basic jobs on the farm last weekend and our little lady has just turned 8 weeks. The work I do is very physical and i haven't had any problems..granted I had a straight forward water birth and no stitches etc.
I'm also breastfeeding and my working day quite often starts at 5am for the first milking and it's just a fact of life that when you have to do something you just get on with it and do it. :)
If you can cope with milking I'm sure I'll be able to cope with work (if no caesar anyway). Thanks everyone for your input!


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