When do you ov?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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This is my first month using opks - cheap ones, but hoping they are ok.

I was wondering when you usually ov and what day do you start to get a faint line? I'm on cd 12 and no line yet. Was kind of expecting a little something today, but nothing, zip, natta, nout :whistle:

Thanks for to anyone that replies!

my cycle is 32 days and my opk chart says i have to start using opks on cd15 ( just waiting for AF .....dont want it to come but think it will)
how long are ur cycles??
I have a 28/29 day cycle and i was the same as you and expecting my surge around cd 12 and i didn't get anything like a line until around cd 14/15.

You can ov as soon as you get a surge, so that would still work out about right.

I really freaked out when i used OPKs the first time because i wasn't getting a line :)
Thanks ladies. Linxminx - my cycles have varied but are average at 30 days lol.

Do you bd as soon as you get a line? I've told my oh that he is going to get used and abused this week (provided I get a line!) I always try not to be pushy then it gets to 2ww and I think we really did try hard enough. Time to be bossy!
Ideally you want to be bd'in the day *before* you get your surge line because OV can happen immediately and your best chance of conceiving is within 12 hours when it's still coming down the falopian tubes.

So, i personally would start to bd on cd 14 if i expect my surge on cd 15, for example.

If i was you i'd definately be at it tomorrow at the latest and then just keep at it until a couple of days after your surge :)

Next cycle you will have a better idea and can do it less, if you want to ;)
Thanks Lou, will give it my best shot (or hopefully OH will lol). x
Still guessing mine! Using OPK's for the first time as well and have thought my lines are getting darker but not sure... Just going to keep testing I think, got 26 tests left!
I've been using them for 2 months. First month was when coil still in cos I researched it says you still ov with it but nothing..... now I'm cd 17 and still jothing. I'm trying not to freak out I missed it completely cos my period may have been a fake so technically I could still be waiting on cd1 to happen.....or it could have happened when I was having my fake period and I could be in 2ww. That would be worst case scenario cos did not bd on af. Basically ill wait to cd35 and if nothing, then test..... just keep bding and hope for the best eh?
Hey Tracey - sure you'll be fine hun, you have a gorge bubba so you're definitely fully functional! lol. Hope you understand your cycles soon though hun, it's so frustrating. Where abouts in sw scotland are you from?

Jenny - what cycle day did you start getting a line?

Well the tests I've done all have a line - I thought on Friday and today they were a bit darker but looking in the OPK Gallery I'm thinking they all might be negative... weird as I do have a lot of CM and some of it is is EWCM...confused.com
I'm near moffat.....middle of nowhere lol.....
my dad is from ecclefechan lol. x
It sounds sooooo Scottish.....as for opk lines, I did actually have a line on cd8 but was way lighter than the control but all other times.....nothing!!!
I'm early, Day 10/11 but my cycle only 26 days. You will learn exactly when after you've been trying for a while! Though I hope you dont have to wait as long as me....
Hope not too.....Just about to do my POAS now - such an addict lol.....Need to order more for next cycle!

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