When do babies start teething?

I think its most common for them to get their first tooth through at about 6 months, but they can start getting the teething pain from about 3 months onwards. All babies are different though, some are earlier, some later :D
Im still waiting and shes one on friday. Although i got my first tooth the week i was one. Other babies are born with them!!!
Well my little boy is showing the signs already!! :shock:

He is constantly chewing on his fist, red cheeks and lots of saliva. He is also become a bit twisty over the last week or so and generally not himself.

I bought some dentinox teething gel as you can use this one from birth and rubbed it on his gums and it seems work for a little while.

I read that they can have the niggly teething pain etc months before any signs of a toothypeg.

I noticed increase dribbly periods from 4 weeks, red cheeks around 10 weeks (i think). Fist tooth at 4 months exactly.

my LO's first tooth didnt come through until 13 months.... and it was a her top 2 front that came in first, within a day of each other, but over the past 3 months she got 5 more... :rotfl:
Isla recently started chewing her hands/dummy, dribbling, has red cheeks, and is very "whingey".
I think her gums ache as the toothy pegs are moving round...bit like mine did a few months before my wisdom teeth came through.
Gawd knows what she will be like in a few months when they cut through! :(
We're also still waiting and Layla will be 1 next week :shock: They seem to be taking forever :?
glittergirl said:
Well my little boy is showing the signs already!! :shock:

He is constantly chewing on his fist, red cheeks and lots of saliva. He is also become a bit twisty over the last week or so and generally not himself.

I bought some dentinox teething gel as you can use this one from birth and rubbed it on his gums and it seems work for a little while.

I read that they can have the niggly teething pain etc months before any signs of a toothypeg.


Same as Lola! She is teething and has been for a couple of weeks but she probably wont get a tooth through for about 4 months!

My first son started teething at 4 months and got his first at about 10 months!
started teething at 10 weeks, just gone 6 months and still no teeth!! :wall:
Kai has exactly the same symptoms as you guys are describing.. constantly chewing (dummy or hands), lots and lots of dribble and red cheeks. I looked in his mouth and he has a lump on his gums, could it be a tooth coming through?? :think: this early???
on textbook they say 6 months.
did you hear about that baby that 1 hour after she was born, both her front teeth poked through :eek:
:shock: an hour!

I might try and take a pic of Kai's gums to show you girls.
aidens 2 bottom ones came through a week before he was 6 months.

he started dribbling etc about 3 months. now it's a nightmare, his cheeks are constantly bright red and flushed and he's soooo cranky :(
Still waiting over here 8)

She does have gums of steel mind you!
LilysMummy said:
Still waiting over here 8)

She does have gums of steel mind you!

:rotfl: :rotfl: I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a toothless child!
I guess I'll join the club of teethless babies hehe..mine is almost 8 months and no signs at all!! his gums are also strong!
Hannah teethed from birth... she had 2 by 6 weeks old, and she had 6 by the time she was 3 months.

Emily had 2 teeth by 3 months.

I had early starters :D

as it stands now, hannah has a full mouth of teeth :D
emily has 7... with 2 on thier way.

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