When did you 1st hear the heartbeat?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi ladies, just wondered when you 1st heard bubs heartbeat? i have a doppler at home and as yet have had no luck but i know its still early. Hope to hear from you.x

katie xx
Hi there. I didnt hear the HB with my doppler until after the MW had found it with hers, i was looking in my mid belly and it was still at the top of my pubic area. How far gone are you?
At my 12 week scan the MW found it with the doppler and i was the same baby was low down but she found it quickly enough, it was lovley to hear my little one heart beat was strong and fast Should be seeing MW agian for 21 week visit soon looking forward to hearing my not as little little one agian!!!!! :D :D
Thanks for the replies so far. im just about 10 weeks (hope you dont mind me popping over but figured more people could answer here). On another forum some were saying they heard from 7 weeks but ive not yet. Im not worrying tho...yet!x
What doppler have you got katie?

Im going to get my parnter to check mine out now :D :D
I didnt buy my own doppler i wasnt sure of success rate and the cost put me off. And my James would have done his nut if id bought one waste of money he said when i mentioned it to him. Though id love to hear my sweetie when ever i wonted to just to reassure me babies ok. How much did your doppler cost?
Mine was about 15 quid off ebay. one of the basic ones i think it was an angel beats one.
I first heard babys heartbeat when I bought my angel sounds doppler at around 13 or so weeks.
It was very low down to begin with and took me over half an hour to find! I can find it straight away now.
My midwives never bothered to listen to the heatbeat when I saw them at 8 and 16 weeks.
katie05 said:
Thanks for the replies so far. im just about 10 weeks (hope you dont mind me popping over but figured more people could answer here). On another forum some were saying they heard from 7 weeks but ive not yet. Im not worrying tho...yet!x

Its still very early. I've heard lots of women say they didn't find theirs until much later if they had an Angelsounds doppler, although some did. I have a Hi Bebe and found it about 15 weeks, as soon as my doppler arrived. My GP found it at 14 weeks with a similar one.
i got an angelsounds doppler at 12 weeks . It took a day of practise but then i heard it loud and clear :D
I still cannot hear mine yet (25 weeks!) The midwife had to press on really hard to find it because he is low and that was last week!

Has anyones partner put there ear to your belly and heard it yet, sometimes it can be heard at about 25wks!

On our dooper we just hear belly noise!
I started trying with my angelsounds at 10 weeks and was really nervous when I didn't find the heartbeat. I gave up after about a week and then tried again at 12 weeks and heard it striaghtaway. I still find it very low down above my pubic bone. I really think 10 weeks is still to early. Try not to worry.
Hi Katie.

I heard mine at 10 weeks exactly, i previously had a m/c so bought a doppler to try and put my mind at rest beofre scan date at 12 weeks.

i was amazed when i heard it strait away, it was faint mind you but deffinatly there!

i bought an angelsoounds doppler, its worth purchasing one!! there cheapish, £40!
My MW heard the babys heartbeat at my first appointment (I was about 10 weeks).......and I cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could hear the placenta at 10+5, and we found baby with difficulty at around 12, now at 14 i can find it really easily with a borrowed midwifes dopler, mines a bit harder to find it with because it doesnt pick up the noises as loudly, i cried too when i first found it :) think it depends where the baby is as to whether you'l lfidn it or not, mine tends to stay quite high up so its easier but he moves around a lot whilst im doing it and can get really low still.
Clare x
Hi Katie

I have a Hi bebe lcd doppler. It costs £20 a month for 5 months and then you can keep it, so yes it is quite expensive but you can hire them for a reasonable amount.

I found bump's hb at 10+6 but this isn't my first pg so that could be why. It took me hours (literally!) to find and it was very low down.

I first heard babys HB at 14 weeks when my doppler decided to arrive
I first heard babys HB at 14 weeks when my doppler decided to arrive
I was only about 10 weeks,my gp found it after i started bleeding.i bought myself a doppler and could quite easily find heartbeat at about 11 weeks.I thinbk it depends on the position of the placenta,position of baby whether its your 1st pregnancy and your own build.try not to worry and just keep trying. :hug:

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