Whats your story?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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As its a new section, I thought it might be nice to have a thread here where we share our stories.

Well we have been TTC for 2 years, and I had a laparoscopy last week which showed I have blocked tubes. I havnt officially been given the diagnosis yet, that happens on the 17th december, but I opened the doctors letter they gave me and it said blocked tubes, referral for IVF. I guess I'll find out soon enough!

Im trying to stay positive, but the thought of not being able to conceive naturally again is pretty devastating. Some of you know my girls have lived with their dad for the last 7 years and as selfish as it is, I always thought id get a second chance to do it right. To have that chance taken away from me seems cruel.

Anyway I know theres other girls on here with fertility issues so now we have this section (thanks Urchin :) ) we can help and support eachother :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Well I have only just started ttc properly, but I had a laparoscopy back in August which showed I had a cyst, internal scarring and 'clubbed' fallopian tubes - whatever the hell that means!!! :? I am still hoping and :pray: that we can conceive naturally but I worry so much about it (which is probably not helping!) even though we have only just started!. DH has two children from a previous relationship but I have no children of my own as yet and desperately want to be a Mum.

I've not actually been disgnosed with anything (i.e. they never said that my tubes were blocked) but at the time they were only looking for evidence of endo rather than fertility issues - so weren't necessarily on the lookout for the 'right things' (or wrong things should I say) but I know that the scarring makes it difficult for the sperm/eggs to get about in there. I also have painful intercourse - which they haven't been able to give me a reason for apart from the scarring I have - which makes ttc that little bit harder for me.

Keeping my fingers crossed (and buying in anything that says it can help like some sort of woman possessed) in the hope it will happen for us! xx
Hi Chok and welcome :wave:

It might be worth a trip to your docs, when we started TCC we went to the docs to tell them and to get a general health check and get some advice, he looked at both our records to check for any possible genetic problems (which there was on OH's side, beta thalesemia, which would only be an issue if I had it too which I was tested for and given the all clear). It might be a good idea in your case as your doc will have those issues on your records and will be able to tell you if it will cause a fertility issue, and maybe it will mean you can get the fertility checks quicker instead of waiting the usual 18 months/2 years.

Hope you get some answers soon :hug:
Thanks for that :) - I will go soon I think, just working myself up for it. There is a part of me that thinks I feel better having some hope that everything is fine rather than going and being told there's no hope - but I know thats stupid really, as the sooner I go the sooner they can find out if anything is wrong and if there is, find out what can help me x
Hi :wave:

I am 32, DH is 35 and we have been TTC for over 14 months. We found out a couple of weeks ago that DH has 95% abnormal sperm morphology, and chances of us conceiving naturally are highly unlikely. We have just been referred and are waiting on our first appointment with the fertility specialist. I have only had CD21 blood tests done (which were fine), so I will be having more tests done, and more tests done on DH, but I am hoping to go down the IUI/ICSI route, as I think that is the best option for us.

Well, I have to admit that this thread was my idea.... :oops:. I have been a member for quite a while, and on discovering we had fertility issues, I found myself searching the net for other forums specifically for girls like us! I knew of a few of us who have issues and I though it would be good if we could have our own wee forum to support and help each other, and hopefully attract new members too.

I hope this new forum is a means for us girls to vent some frustration, share some love and generally just give and receive support during our long and hard journeys!

Jule :hug:
And a fantastic idea it was too! :clap: :D

Ive read up a bit about IUI etc and it appears to have quite a high success rate, so theres always hope

Hello, sorry about that other thread, i'm half blind alot of the time i'm sure!
I'm Hannah, i'm 22 and DP Dan is 25, we're getting married next year and have been ttc for 15 months. We had our first infertility appointment in October and it was decided we would have ICSI to help assist us. This is because Dan has low sperm morphology and the cilia in my fallopian tubes are immobile due to a chronic condition I have (all my internal organs are a mirror image to what they should be e.i. my heart is on my right) we have been given a small chance of concieving naturally but luckily our fertility lady is lovely and has given us the go ahead to apply for nhs funding.

Well that's me done!! I'll probably be posting more once we have had our 2nd appt when I'll know alot more about what's happening. Hope I haven't bored you :D
Hey Hannah - not boring in the slightest....good luck at the next appt and keep us updated x
Hi :wave:

Thought i would do a quick post to introduce myself..........

I'm 28 and DH is 27. We have been TTC for almost 2 years. We originally thought that the problem was with me as the doctor suspected i had PCOS. However after a sperm test we discovered DH had a very low sperm count. There doesn't seem to be any explanation for this as all his other tests such as chromosome and hormone tests have come back as normal.

We are currently doing our 1st cycle of ICSI. I'm due to test this weekend and i'm so scared of finding out it hasn't worked. :( IVF has been very difficult for me as i over responded to the drugs and i'm really worried about having to go through it all again!

Its so good to have a section of our own, after a while i started to feel out of place in the other section especially after we found out that we had fertility issues.

Hope to get to know you all better :D ,

Michelle x
Hi Michelle, :wave:
I have been reading your diary and I have found it interesting and inspiring and I really hope that it all works out - I have my fingers crossed for you! :) :hug:
Hi girls -

As you all probably know me from the other thread, I'll be brief. We have been married for 3 years and have a wonderful daughter, Naomi, who will be two in January. Naomi was conceived quickly, only on our second cycle. Number two has not been so easy. We are now on month 10 of ttc and after a day 21 test two months ago my doc put me on a low dose of clomid to straighten out my hormones, which, she said, were prohibiting my getting pregnant, and I probably wasn't ovulating. I'm only 34, so she didn't think I was menopausal. I haven't seen a specialist.

However, on my second cycle of clomid I have come out in a major rash and it appears that I am allergic. So we are discontinuing and we now have to start trying without again. Let's hope it kicked me off again.

as I lurk a lot here....quick intro

I'm kind of TTC with infertility problem :? My Dh had the snip 20 odd years ago, then met me 9 years ago. I have a teenage son but we wanted more. No chance of a reversal so we're ttc by sperm donor. Been with this donor for about 9 cycles (I can't remember :oops: ) and had an early mc in August.

I'm not entitled to any NHS tests - but I've been told that its probably just a matter of time (we only have one donation a month so that reduces our chances)

Some days I'm glad to have the chance to try again - others I wonder if it would have been better never to have considered it :think:
Well i am 27 OH is 33, we have been together for 6 years and i came off the pill in January, we didnt officially start trying til April whe things got a little more calculated! Fell pregnant August and had a miscarraige at around 6.5 weeks, fell pregnant again this month and have had a chemical pregnancy,

I dont seem to have a problem conceiving but i cannot hang on to them
Hi Peeps,

I'm 35 and DP is 43. Been trying for a few years now, and finally have appointment at fertility hosp on 20th Feb. We married in Italy last july, wonderful wedding. Been together for 16 years...

I'm feeling positive at the moment and am really trying not to get stressed. I don't know why, but April is in my head for us, am keeping everything crossed......
Hi Ladies :wave:

I'm 33 and OH is 37. We've been TTCing for a year but we've been together for 16 years and only ever used the withdrawal method as contraception :shock: We're still hoping to have baby number 1 but it doesn't look as if it is going to happen naturally. We've had our first appointment with the fertility clinic - OH sperm count is low but nothing else wrong with it so he's working on his diet, giving up smoking etc. I'm due to have a scan to check for cysts and a laparoscopy to check for blocked tubes. Next appointment is on April 7 so i will keep you all updated.
:wave: Everyone

I was told at 18 that i would never be able to conceive naturally as i had endometriosis, poly cystic ovaries and both me tubes were blocked. I've been with my partner for 8 years and after a year of TTC decided to opt for IVF after having surgery (bilatural salpingostomy) they gave me another year before they would consider refering me. We still had no luck and i was refered.

We went all through the councelling and everything then waited 5 years for the treatment to start. I had one cycle of treatment and it worked. I had 2 4 cell embryos put back in (we also had icsi as OH has slow swimmers).

I was due 19th of december but at my 29 week check up with my consultant i only measured 26 weeks and they decided to send me for a growth scan.

By 31 weeks (id still not had my scan) i went into prem labour but the hospital stopped it and sent me home. A couple of weeks later id got a call for my growth scan ( i was 33 weeks by then). At the scan they found my baby had stopped growing at 26 weeks and was told id have to have an emergency c sec the following day 7 weeks early or the baby would not survive another week as i had pre eclampsia.

On the 2nd of November i gave birth to a beautiful little girl weighing just 2lb 12. Laycey was in special care for 4 weeks but is now thriving weighing 10lb at 14 weeks.

Im so glad i opted for the IVF/ICSI it was such a roller coaster emotionally but worth it in the end.


This was taken at 2 day old
Hi all...

i lurk alot also, so a bit of info seeing as this is where i belong :roll:

diagnosed with PCOS when i was about 17 i am almost 23 now, me and df are getting married in july and wanted to start trying but knew that there were going to be problems, i came off the pill to try and get a regular cycle before the wedding...but noooooooo...didn't even have 1 af in 6 months.

i went back to my gp who put me back on the BCP :roll: to protect the lining as it cant be healthy to not ahave an af in 6 months

and we have been referred to the fertility clinic...i dont know how long that will be, and df is making an appointment this week to get his swimmers tested, so at least things are moving along now...i have had lots of tests that i had done when i was diagnosed re done and those are all ok (e.g thyroid) and all is well.

i just dont know what the next step is, what they will give us and what tests at the clinic? any answers are appreciated :D

ahhh, why cant i just get pg by accident like everyone else! :wink:
I am new here. My name is Maria and I have one son, Joseph, who is 3 & 1/2.
He was my 5th pregnancy.
I had 4 miscarriages as my blood was 2 thick and was starving my babies of oxygen. I started on aspirin on 3rd & 4th pregnancy, but it wasnt enough. Found a wonderful Dr who helped me have Joseph. He put me on tinzaparin - from heparin family - injections and along came Joseph.

I have had 2 blighted ovums since Joseph - one of them a twin pregnancy - and I had a chemical pregnancy between Christmas and New Year.

Now my Dr thinks I have NK cells and they are attacking the fetus - along with everything else.
He has prescribed progesterone pessaries from D16 of my cycle, and then steriods, aspirin and tinzaparin on a + HPT.
So I am now TTC.
I am on day 25 of my cycle. Ovulated day 14.
My temps are WAY up. But am I worried I am getting excited about nothing as progesterone can raise your BBT?
My temp is up as per my last pg's.
Just wondered if anyone has any experience of this?
My temps are WAY up
Hi everyone. I've been a member of this forum for blooming ages but rarely post these days as I never have anything new to say anymore!

But I thought I would put my story in so you all know the score. Me and hubby have been trying for ages. We haven't been for investigation yet though partly coz hubby insists that it will happen if we keep trying and also I think I am just too afraid to know the truth. If I found out something was wrong, I would be devastated :cry:

We have just had to have a break from TTC for the last 4 months as DH got MRSA in his shoulder joint and had to take some seriously hardcore antibiotics which doctors warned would be damaging to any potential baby but now we are back to trying again and we have agreed to try for one more month before going to the doctors.

I can't think what could be wrong. I am very regular (28 day cycle), we dont smoke, not overweight, DH never had any problems with any of his bits and I always had positives on OPKs when I did them last year :think:

Well, I've just had a tough month as I am a theatre nurse and just spent a month in our local maternity theatres either assisting with caesareans or terminations so its either looking at other people's beautiful babies or helping people get rid of them :( But I've finished there now so can get away from all of that!
Well I guess that I now officially belong in this section, well my partner does as he has a low sperm count, with abnormal motility and morphology, but it can be improved with good health and certainly less alcohol. We have been TTC for 16 months without getting anywhere. I have had tests and all seems ok with me, so we are presuming that once we are healthier we should get the baby we want so very much.

Good luck to you all! :hug:

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