What was your symptoms if any before missed period when you got BFP?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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What was your symptoms if any before missed period when you got BFP?

This month I didn't get my usual tender boobs after ovulation, I feel bloated with gas and very emotional. I have a lot of stress at work at the moment though.

I have regular 29-30 day cycle and I am on CD24.

I was hoping you mums could share some of your symptoms that you for before your BFP?
Lol! I just came on to post the same question!!!!!

I did an actual post last year (my baby is 15 mts old now).
I can't remember anything specific about then though.

Currently I feel pregnant but I'm only 10dpo and getting bfn on Internet cheapies.
My teeth are killing, like out of the blue super sensitive and even air hurts them, my boobs hurt, I have had the runs (sorry tmi), lots of white cm, things taste funny, I'm sweating and I have had vivid dreams!

I don't get any of the above often so I'll be shocked if I'm not pregnant!

It took 5 years to get and stay pregnant with my boy so it will be a very welcome surprise, we haven't been trying and haven't been having regular sex.

Sorry if I'm no help but will be stalking for other mummies and mummies to be to post! Xxxx
Thanks Selina, I have been having vivid dreams as well and that only usually happens to me 2 days before AF.

If you don't mind me asking how come it took you 5 years with your boy? So amazing that he is 15 months now. I am fairly new to all this TTC, its really hard not knowing to expect isn't it.
Well, I don't know! My husbands sperm count and all that was great but I was on the depo for years before I met him. I had 2 miscarriages and it just seemed to take forever doing ovulation sticks and sex on the 'fertile period.'
You don't get any testing regarding mc until you have 3 in a row and just as I was about to have scans on my ovaries and womb I got pregnant. So it's still a mystery really.

I have terrible vivid dreams/nightmares whilst I was pregnant and after I had him, it was awful so I think it's linked to hormones. I get then with stress but I'm not stressed now. It rings true for my theory as you get them before AF.
I didn't expect to actually 'try' to get pregnant but my baby boy was so worth the wait just wish it was a tad sooner! Lol! Xx
I think my symptoms could be stress related as I don't have sore boobs or feel sick.

Sorry what is depo?

I feel very naive as I didn't expect to have to try either and now I wish I tried a lot sooner. That's why I joined on here to have people to talk/relate to.

Make sure you keep me posted if you do or don't get your BFP :)
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Oh the contraceptive injection, think it's called Depo-Perva.

Yeah, we aren't ttc at the moment but we aren't preventing, I'm not putting hormones in my body ever again!

It can be hard but it also can just happen when you least expect it.

I didn't feel sick in any of my pregnancies at first, that came 8 weeks+
I didn't have sore boobs either but do at the moment. You can have all different symptoms so don't worry, your not out till AF arrives!! :)

Hey, I had really sore boobs and felt quite flu like. Also very watery cm that made me feel like AF had arrived. Oh, and I had a slight IB on 8dpo. Good luck ladies! X
Great question :) I got my bfp 3 days after AF was due. Cycles were 30-32 days long and I ovulate around cd20-23. I tested on the day AF was due and it was bfn. A few days before that I had really vivid sexual dreams (not normal for me!!). And my temperature spiked to 37 when usually it always stays in the 36's. I didn't chart temp I just took it out of interest :) 2 days late I was shopping with hubby and got horrendous AF cramps..so bad I asked him to take me home as I was certain I'd started. I really didnt suspect I was pregnant at all. The following day (3 days late) I tested and got my bfp on frer and clear blue digi :) I didn't get nausea or any other major symptoms until a week later :)

Good luck everyone!! Tons of baby dust to you all! :dust:
my symptoms were EXACTLY the same symptoms I get before AF is due. I honestly couldn't tell the difference x
I also had flu like symptoms and weird tadte in my mouth all the time before i got my bfp. I didnt have sore boobs or anything but i still dont have that oh i did have itchy nipples tho!
Thank you so much for all your comments ladies!

I am still really bloated and I have been eating so healthy so I don't get it, I am now thinking maybe it is prenatal vitamins if its not a BFP. More vivid dreams last night. AF is due between Sunday and Tuesday so we shall see.
I was another one who had symptoms that were identical to before AF. I wouldn't have know any difference whatsoever. I even had what felt like normal AF cramps but AF never came! Weird!
I got my BFP exactly a wk before I was due. I had woken up the morning after a heavy drinking session (2 bottles of wine - heavy for me!!) totally fresh as a daisy and absolutely starving.

I went to brush my teeth and my gums were bleeding which is something that has never happened to me and I just knew xx
I think my symptoms could be stress related as I don't have sore boobs or feel sick.

Sorry what is depo?

I feel very naive as I didn't expect to have to try either and now I wish I tried a lot sooner. That's why I joined on here to have people to talk/relate to.

Make sure you keep me posted if you do or don't get your BFP :)

Will do, so far bfn on Internet cheap sticks!
I feel super pissed off today, really snappy and moody so it might be AF coming. I'm due AF either tomorrow or Saturday. X
I am BFN so far on cheap ones as well. Been feeling emotional for about 10 days now which isn't usually like me but it could be down to other stress related things. See what the next few days brings us both xxx
I got my BFP yesterday and holding out lots of hope the little bean sticks!!

1-3DPO: Nothing really to report. Bit tired but that's fairly standard for me at this point in my cycle! :)
4DPO: Abundant CM with a sort of creamy, lotiony texture. Fleeting sharp boob zaps maybe 2/3 times over the day. Quite tired.
5DPO: Small waves of nausea, barely noticeable and could be attributed to the anti-biotics I'm taking for mild tonsillitis. Mild headache. Metallic taste almost blood-like for a minute or two in the afternoon. Napped (haven't done that in ages.) Low, mild cramping. Not painful but achey. Heartburn and burpy for most of the day!
6DPO: Similar day to 5DPO minus the metallic taste but adding in some uterine pinches for good measure! CM drying up a little.
7DPO: Felt a bit bruised almost on uterine area. Very irritable and snappy. Two big waves of tiredness in late am and mid pm. Had a BFP dream! Very clear blue cross on what looked like a Clearblue. If only!
8DPO: Pretty mild symptom day. Pretty dry in the CM department. Tired. Distracted. Had prickly nipples?? Not a normal cycle symptom for me. Feels almost like that let-down sensation when BFing but mixed with mild pins and needles. Last time I felt it was when I was around 8 weeks pg with DD. Trying not to get hopes up! Constipated.*
9/10DPO: Uterine pinches on a couple of occasions. No nausea. Both days pooping 3/4 times?? WTF??? Normal for me is like once every 1.5 days haha! BMs are soft. Peeing a lot. Still barely any CM to speak of but what is there is lotiony or watery.
11DPO: Small, barely noticeable waves of nausea, tired.
12DPO: Woke up feeling like my lower ab muscles had been destroyed with a hundred leg raises in my sleep!! Heartburn. Noticeably nauseous but still mild. Off my food. Nothing appealed at all! BFP confirmed with faint blue and pink dye tests and then a CB digi :)

Symptoms that have been there pretty much through the whole 10 days: bloating, very dry stuffy nose (driving me mad!!!) crap temperature regulation (I'm either freezing or drenching the bed with sweat!) feeling hungry all the time but getting full and bloated quickly, indigestion, trapped gas.

I hope you guys find this useful in some way. Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!!

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