is this your first app with your GP? or midwife? i think it can be different depending where about you live.
I saw my GP as soon as I got a BFP - I showed him my test stick and he asked me to come back in a few days with a sample. He sent this off to be tested and called me 3 days later with the results. I was then about 5 1/2 weeks. He asked me to make an appointment to check for protein and sugar in my urine. He took my weight and worked out my dates. He chatted about the type of vits i should be taking especially folic acid. He asked if this was my first pregnancy, if i'd had any problems down below etc. He then sent off an e,mail to the hospital requesting an appointment for a scan and booking in chat with the midwife. That was it really. One week later I rec'd a letter from the hospital with a few dates available for a scan. I picked one and called them back to confirm....
It's nothing to worry about. More chatting than tests.