What to do now...


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
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Hey girls im new to tri 1 as i only got my bfp yesterday! :D and am wondering apart from booking apt with mw what else do i need to do? This is my first pregnancy and am feeling rather overwhelmed.
Also can any one suggest any home remidies for the nausia ive tried ginger tea and cant stomach biscuits atm :(
Thankyou in advance :) xxx
Hi and congrats on ur pregnancy, the main advice for now would be to take folic acid.

As for the nausea, unfortunately, nothing helped mine. But some people swear by anti-sickness wrist bands and plain crackers x

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hi jayjay thankyou :) im taking the folic acid tablets. so thats one thing.the wrist bands? i had them for travel sickness but never thought to use them for that :) might def give crackers ago though! :D thanks :) xxx
Yeah the wrist bands work for some people with morning sickness too, all to do with pressure points :)

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months! Hope ur nausea doesn't get too bad :) x

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congrats on ur bfp !!!i agree folic acid is a must try wrist bands they can help xxx
thank you mrz85 :) its so weird looking at my new ticker...:) yeah im def taking the folic acid. but also strangely have a liking towards fruit at the mo! (when im not feeling ick!) xxx
Congrats on your BFP! For your sickness all i can say is try and eat little and often xxx
congrats on your pregnancy i was the same as you i didnt have a clue what to do but everyone is so helpful on here if you have any questions all you have to do is ask
as for sickness remedies the only thing that works for me is mints like peppermint polos.. literally everything makes me feel sick so i have to open everysingle window in my house to get all the smells out lol
Congrats! :D

Things that work for reducing my nausea: salt and vinegar crisps, mini cheddars, satsumas, ginger biscuits, boiled sweets, mints, ice cold water, ice lollies, and eating little and often. Also tried the wristbands for the first time today, and didn't wake up as usual at 7.30am wanting to puke! Yay!

I think it's definitely trial and error though - what works for some people just makes me want to :sick: !!
congrats on :BFP:

morning sickess is a killer why its called mornign sickness is stupid as i suffer all bloody day with it lol. but i have found eating little and often helps me! x x
Hi shorty just seen your post! Yeah morning sickness is a killer im finding now that eating fruit and drinking lots is helping a bit! :) it still sucks though :( xxx

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Congratulations on your BFP x

I'm currently feeling very lucky I've had not a hint of nausea and hoping it continues. Gaviscon works well for me with non pregnancy sickness, settles the tummy. Might be worth checking with GP or pharmacist if you can take whilst pregnant?
I read in my book that ice-lollies are good for sickness & it gets your fluid intakes up x
thankyou doodles! OH ice lollies any excuse for them now even in this lovely weather :) hehe might give it a try...at the mo its bland stuff...tried the ginger biccys and the thought of them make me feel bleh... :( xxx

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