What pregnancy pillow to buy?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Oh said he will get me a pillow, I've tried putting a regular pillow between my knees at night and it falls out after five mins every time! I would like something that will help me sleep, support bump and also something i can use to help with breast feeding once LO is here.

Is there anything anyone can recommend? Ive heard mixed reviews about dream geni's and they seem a lot of money for what they are. But any advice would be grand!

Thannkss x
amazon have a selection at reasonable prices or they have a wedge to put between your thighs/knee;s for preg women and thats quite inexpensive.ive told me oh to wait till im bigger before deciding on a pillow as ive rolled the duvet between my knee's for 16 yrs ( since first preg )
I bought a 'V' pillow a year or so ago, and its working wonders so far since being pregnant. Can use it as ordinary support to sit up or keep head elevated if needed, is great to have it around the bump for support when lying on your side and also in same position you can have the lower end between your legs for that extra support keeping your back straight. Is so comfy however you use it and is also great shape for use in feeding once baby is here and also to lay baby in too! All in all I think from what's available and the prices you pay nowadays, 6 pounds for a V pillow which does it all can not be beaten! ;)
Hope this helps :)

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