What position is bubba in?

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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What positions are the midwifes telling us our babies our in?

Mine is definitely head down. He's at 3/5 and three weeks ago he was 4/5, so he's movig down nicely and he isn't back-to-back! yipeee!

He's worked out where the exit is! :D :lol: :lol:
I saw my midwife yesterday, Coby is still head down and 3/5 engaged.

his back is laying up my left hand side, so all my kicks are felt over on my right side.
Mine is 3/5 engaged and I'm not sure wat the position is because I haven't been told but I think the back is down the right hand side as my bump looks bigger down the right.
Mine is head down and in 3/5th engaged but that was over 2 weeks ago and my bump seems to be getting lower so think it is prob even more engaged!! Will find out Weds
my bubba is 3/5 engaged has been since 32 weeks, i think he/she has back to the right of me, not quite sure tho.
love sarahxxx

oh why is mine only on "Brim"????

That's really poo!! :( :( :(

AND it's back-to-back :( :( :(

Well it looks like mine is going to be yet another rough ride.

The only thing i am worring about is that Amy got stuck, what if baby can't get in my pelvis cos it's too small?!! i have had loads of pushig down and it still isn't any further.
Quite firmly head down and "wedged in the pelvis" as the midwives in the hospital kept telling me...and alternating from side to side...ie when I get up in the morning the little butt cheeks are either caught under my left or right ribcage...and that's a pain...as you know! But nowhere near engaging, which is funny.

Amys mum

If you're not yet engaged then its not to late to turn your baby. Sit on the gym ball, kneel on all fours and pop down your local swimming pool and swim on your front. Apparently this all helps to position the baby.

I'm on my gym ball as I speak and hoping that it will help

Best of luck hun
Thanks Sarah,

I am going to pump my birthing ball up tonight anyway.

I take it your baby is back to back?

:D :D :D
No, he's in just the right position apparently.

I have been avoiding slouching for ages as I am too scared to let him lay back to back.

He's got his back on my right hand side at the moment, with his head down.

I'm off swimming in a minute to keep him like it :lol:
oh Karrina,

We are a right pair aren't we!!! Lol :D :D

Do you know the sex?
Oh I know, I'm dreading it! Mine's is a little girl, well so the 4d scan told me! What about you? x
oh that's a shame i was going to say they must be awkward boys!! Lol :lol: :lol:

I don't know the sex of mine, leaving it a surprise. I am getting more and more impatient now though.

I always wanted a girl, but everyone keeps telling me that boys are easier- less moody etc. I don't care now as long as bubba is healthy! Do you think you will go to your full 40 weeks or are you thinking bubba will make an earlier appearance? :lol: xx
I would like another girl, but people keep telling me that this is a boy cos i am carrying different than with Amy- which i can't tell!! i am not as big but then again i have another little one to run round after this time, don't get much time to slob!!

I am not bothered one bit as to what sex the baby is, as long as they are healthy.

I think that baby will need to be induced at 42 weeks, don't know why but i have a feeling that it won't want to come out. I have had quite a few periody type pains today though so hopefully it could be things getting ready!!

Yeah right! :D
Isn't it a nightmare when you go over, as if waiting 9 months isn't long enough! I hope for your sake that you don't go over. I have a feeling I will go early or maybe that's just wishful thinking! Is little Amy excited about a brother or sister? xx
Hi, in my green notes it says that 2 weeks ago i was 5/5, but the midwife i had on this week was not the normal midwife, and she hasn't put anything in. Should little one be more engaged than 5/5. Sorry, still not familiar with all this, quite confusing, lol.

Hi Karrina,

I don't think Amy fully understands about the baby yet, she kisses my tummy and hugs it and she knows where baby is, but i don't think she'll be too over the moon at first when it comes out as she will have to adjust.
I am ready to take on any situation, i am open minded about it as every child is different.

I still don't know about the 5th's thing, this is my 2nd baby and i have never understood it!! sorry
I don't think it can engage more than 5/5, I think that would be fully engaged :?

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