Wait till they get a bit older!
Asher is at the " I'll pull off after I've had a good feed and cloely inspect mummy's nipple as if it's the most curious thing I've ever seen!"
He's been getting quite rough, grabbing fistfuls of boob whilst feeding, so the first time his little chubby hand went for my nipple, my first instinct was to grab it and pull it away. But he was quite insistent, so I thoutht "what the heck! let's see what he does!".
It was HILARIOUS!!! He very gently flicks it and then very gently pushes it from side to side, all the while with this most confused, concentrating expression on his face. He'll then look up at me and start giggling. Which makes me giggle. Which makes him giggle even more and then we end up in fits right when I'm supposed to be putting him to bed!! Why he finds it so hilarious I don't know.
By the way, he does the same thing with the teat of his daytime bottle. SO I think he's worked out that they both give him the same thing, and is intent on finding out how they work, these strange milk dispensing devices!!