What is everyone having

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Hello everyone just me again im just wondering what everyone is having i mean the sex of the baby because iam new here and i easly forget i got told thats what they call the fog lol personally i just think its me :roll:

Anyway iam having a little girl :pink:
im having a girl too x
I am having a boy, Alexander William I think!
Im team yellow ! think its gonna be a boy now altho for ages i thought it was a girl... 7 and a bit weeks to find out !
Thanks for all the comments to those who know what their having have you got any names
our little girl will be called Alisha
girl and keeping names a complete secret! x might change my mind and share with just you guys i just dont want anyone in the real world to know lol x
Im having a little boy - Jack Andrew x
I am having a little girl - Darcie!
we are calling her tegan x
We are having a baby boy... name is a surprise! hehe.
I'm having a little blue monkey called Devon ! in 10 weeks , yayyyy

If he turns out a she after all, our girls name was Lyra Dael, but now I'm soo ready for Devon, I may just have to called her Devon too! or have it as a middle name !
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We're having a surprise! Everyone I meet looks at my bump and thinks we're having a boy.
Team pink =D Bethan Aerith but I just call her Roo bcuz she won't stop jumping around lol. Can't wait to meet her. xXx
i wanted to keep it a surprise but we found out at the 20 week scan that the baby wasnt growing and the baby might not surive if born as they thought that the baby had a severe chromosome problem so we had an amnio and turned out that everything was fine, still not growing the rate that a baby should grow but getting there

so we are having a girl and calling her Emily Faith Campbell xx

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