What else can I give LO for a windy tummy?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I have tried Infacol and cooled boiled water but these just don't seem to be making a difference. She constantly screams for hours in pain with her tummy. People keep telling me give her gripe water but I thought they could only have this after 4 weeks old?

I have tried giving her a tummy massage, a warm bath, cuddling her, cuddling her and laying her on her side, laying her on her front, constantly winding her over my shoulder, rocking her and then trying to wind her, changed her bottles to Dr Browns and changed her formula from Cow & Gate to Aptimal... I am running out of ideas as to how to calm her down!

Any advice?

How long have you been using dr browns and are you using them only?

Will really suffered too so in the end I gave him cooled boiled water with a tiny bit of smooth orange juice and it always works xx
I have used them for about 8 days now, I only use the Dr Browns in the night time and the Avent during the day. I only have 2 of them so can't use them all the time. I figured I would see how she was with them and buy more if they helped. Do you think by mixing the bottles could be the problem?

I will try the water with orange juice next, never actually thought about doing that! How often did you give Will this?

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You really need to use them exclusively Lou otherwise your not going to see any benefit from them the other thing you could of done was instead of going onto aptimil was try cow and gate comfort other than that try the cool boiled water with a bit of oj in hope she feels better soon xxx

We've just changed to C&G Comfort for R for the same reason.

It has made some progress with her poor tum, but she has only been on it for 3 days HV said it could take up to a week to see if it works.

If it doesn't then next step apparantly is a prescription food :(
I done that lou but realised quite quickly that i need to use the dr browns only, it made a massive difference.. i gave in and went out and bought 6 of them.

i only give Will the water with OJ when i can tell he has an upset tummy which is rare lately but when he was smaller it was most days :( only gave it once each time xx
How often do u wind through the feed? Issac never really suffers and when he Does i put him on his tum and either gently tap or rub his back

I've read that some ladies wind at every oz look drinks.

Hope she settles soon x
Oh i. Just thought my step mom had to take my sister out for walks to settle her x
We had the same prob with Kayden, got Dr.Browns bottles, I only got a pack of 2 to start off with to see if they worked, I spent 2 days using only those two bottles, was a pain having to constantly wash & sterilise them, but it went away totally when we started them. I went out and bought the set. As pos said,They wont be effective if your using other bottles during the day. I know its annoying but try Dr.Browns exclusively for a day or two then you'll be able to tell if its worth splashing out on them.

It's expensive but colief working really well for my LO? Nightmare to use as predominantly bfing (only one bottle a day) but worth it. Plus changed from aptimal to hipps organic which is really good and contains probiotics which are great fir sensitive tummies. It's cheaper than other formulas too
For Sophie I do colic massage throughout the day, warm baths at night focusing on rubbing her belly a lot and the dr browns bottles.
I posted a YouTube link on the forum a couple of hours ago. Check it out - really helped us!


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