What cycle is everyone on now?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Im on my third, justwaiting to test now :)

Hows everyone else doing - hope the baby dust rubs off on me soon as there have been quite a few BFPS recently!
cycle 8 - but it's lasted a while!! Got a month and a half before I'll have been trying a year! :( :(
I don't know how many cycles I have had in total whilst ttc as it's been 2 yrs and not counted them all.

It's my 2nd cycle charting with ff and the chartstalkers gang :cheer:
I think this is round about number 24 :shock: and i'm getting thoroughly fed up now!
mrs_tommo22 said:
roseanimal said:
HannahD said:
I think this is round about number 24 :shock: and i'm getting thoroughly fed up now!
:shock: not surprised! :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: :( :(

Hope you get lucky soon hun.

Thank you, so do I!! At least I know I can get pregnant, just fed up with all the waiting....it'd better not take another 20 odd cycles before it happens again! :lol:
on cycle 4 at min just ov'd too so here's hoping x
skairdykat said:
Cycle 23 :shock:

And totally p*ssed off with it all.

Me too hun couldn't have put it better myself!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Could do with sticking around for a moaning session but got some jobs to do, shall we reawaken rant thread later??
Cycle 12 although now in month 22 :shock: :wall:

Like the other longer TTCers getting fed up and Peed off.
:hug: :hug: :hug: I know I feel crappy and I've not even been trying a year!! big hugs to you!! It'll happen soon for you - i feel it!
3rd cycle (if you can call this BS a cycle) since September m/c and been trying (sometimes full-on, sometimes just targetting the EWCM days) for 3 years so don't know how many cycles that is.
:hug: :hug: :hug: I know the pain with these cycles! hope you ov soon hunny!
Not sure how many cycles because my AF went AWOL after m/cs but I'm on month 21 :roll:
On our 13th Cycle trying now (if you average out the length of my cycles it's about our 13th month too), and I too am P*ssed off with it!

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