What can I take?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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For this bloody cold? Feel rough as and just want to go to bed, but have to look after my DS so rest is not an option til the weekend!

I know I can take paracetemol, but does that do anything for a cold? Don't want to take it and it does nothing lol
Boots do some stuff thats like first defence spray but their own brand. It's meant to clear blocked up noses etc. They had it in their parenting magazine and say it's fine during pregnancy & breastfeeding.

Hope you're feeling better soon x
Just took some paracetemol, had to try something as feel so awful. Had a quick look online but all I could find was 'best not to take anything blah blah blah' and 'get lots of rest' very helpful lol I would live in my bed atm if I could lol
Paramol is a stronger paracetamol nd that's good I can only take paracetamol when not pregnant too and find his works wonders (I'm allergic to aspirin).
Had one a couple of weeks ago - midwife said paracetamol and honey/lemon warm drinks etc, no vicks vapour rub! xx
Paracetemol have defo took the edge off so am glad I took them now. Just waiting for OH to get home so we can get LO to bed then I'm gonna do teh same. Can't wait to get in bed. luuuush!
ive also had this, olbas oil and vicks and hot lemon aswell as paracetamol x
Midiwfe and doctor and Pharmacist said this was all safe x
Sleep and hot honey and lemon drinks :). A nice backrub from the OH never goes a miss either! xx

Thanks everyone. This is day 3 and feel worse so far so hopefully this is the turnaround day to symptoms easing from tomorrow. Atleast it's the weekend and OH will is around too! Although he's getting it too, but he's not preggo so not as bad for him lol

Gonna dose up on paracetemol all day today xxxxx
i was told that vicks vapour rub was ok - is that not the case Becciboo?
i had some tylenol that some one got me from america which is ok but apart from that paracetemol and lots of hot drinks and rest
i was told to put vapour rub on my feet at night with socks on top to clear congestion/ and try steaming
ive had a cold for 3 weeks now - it just wont go!!
I've been keeping dosed up on paracetemol and it's been doing the job, never used just that before but it works really well on its own. Hopefully should start feeling better from tomorrow. Have picked up a bit this afternoon already!!
i had it for nearly 2 weeks so i know whatyour going through its horrible x
Loula, feeling a bit better cold wise today but cold sore still there, although not all sore looking just a pinky red patch but stilld oesn't look good either way lol

Also, I've never had a sty before but my eye is really sore today and OH had one recently and thinks it could be one?!

Just can't wait til we get some nice weather and start being outside, sure all this cold and dark is running me down.

All goodness going to the baby and nothing left for me lol

Be worth it though xxxxx

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