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What age will you/did you wean?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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When I weaned Mason, my eldest, they recommended starting at 4 months, so thats what I did.
Now they're saying it's best to wait till they're 6 months!!
Is anyone really going to wait this long? I think I'll wait as long as I can after 4 months but 6 months seems like a really long way off!

edit: i just noticed it missed my 6 months + option off the poll sorry!
I'm going to try and get Phoebe to 6 months for a couple of reasons:

1) She isn't a hungry baby so no need to consider weaning yet.

2) I heard that weaning too soon (before their digestive systems are developed to cope with solids) can cause them to develop food allergies. I was actually dairy intolerente until I got pregnant. Now I seem to be cured :lol: Food Allergies run in my family so I desperately want to try and do anything I can for Phoebe not to develop any.

It's hard though. Obviously if she suddenly gets really hungry and is draining 9oz bottles etc then I'll have to introduce some solids. I think it's up to each individual Mummy and you'll probably just know when your baby is ready. :lol:
I was going to start weaning Dylan until he was 4-5 months but i put his milk up an oz and his still hungry so i on monday i gave him couple of spoonfuls of baby rice @ lunch time!
As a mum i think u no when ur childs ready or not!
im waiting till 6 months as the doc says its best to wait till then, but could change by then.

I'm planning on 17 weeks. Our health visitors actually recommend that we start at 4 months rather than 6 as the World Health Organisation suggests because they said that otherwise you had a shorter time to get them used to eating solids before you needed to move onto lumpier foods and protein foods because of their development. Mind you Elliott is a huge baby! He is about 19lbs and has been interested in us eating since 8 weeks! I've been giving him a spoon to play with when we eat in front of him and he often tries to get it in his mouth so I'm rather hoping that he'll be good and ready in about 4 weeks time!

BubbleOne- I had a dairy intolerance pre baby too but it almost completey went when I was pregnant and has retreated a lot since. Funny eh?! I still avoid it most of the time but I can be naughty more often these days without ending up with crippling stomach pain- mostly I just sneeze for a couple of days. I think I'm going to give Elliott Soya based products instead of Cow's milk until he's over a year just in case it's something I passed on but then I developed it after I had Flu when I was 21 and didn't have it as a kid...?

ethan had his first solids at 9 weeks just a spoon full of rice a day coz he was so hungry :lol:
i will start giving baby rice and other soilds if needed about 3 months, but im not going to wean untill 6 months
They change the rules every five minutes on when to wean so I say go by your babies.

I had to wean at 3 and a half months as I was ill and my milk nearly dried up and Dom would not take a bottle, I don't see any strange affects to him being weaned at this time so I think he will be fine ;)
dior was having onr feed of rusks a day mixed with baby milk by 8weeks
Aaron had a spoon of rice at 12 weeks as his milk wasn't satisfying him.

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