We're having...........


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2005
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Hi everyone,
Thanks for all the good wishes for yesterday.
We didn't get our little girl-we're having a boy.
He is absolutely fine and growing well. I have to say I was little disappointed at first and as usual I cried-thats all I seem to do at the moment. That said when I put things into perspective it really doesn't matter as long as he is ok. Keiran and his dad are really disappointed but I just keep telling them of all the positives ie not ever having to worry about that first boyfriend.I tell Keiran that he wont ever have to throw away his toys because the baby might like them-he quite likes that idea!
We are now desparately trying to think of names-we ahd agreed on Ethan but now I know its a little boy I am going off that idea.perhaps Aaron or Ewan but not too sure.We may have to wait and see til he is born. Any suggestions welcome the names need to go with Wilkinson Smith
On a health note have also got to go for a glucose tolerance test on Friday because the hospital think I may have gestational diabetes.Also have to have scans at 28,32 and 36 weeks to check growth-oh well at least I will get to see him a few more times before he is born which os great.
Hope you are all well-sorry for the long post
Paula :dance:
Yay! Congrats on your lil boy - you'll have to keep going now - baby after baby to till you get a girl! Glad he is healthy & well!
Awwwwwwwwwww, glad your lovely little boy is doing just great! Good luck with the appt on Friday, keep us posted.
Awwwwww I think its probably natural to feel a little disappointed if you had your heart set on a girl. But boys are ace as you know having a little man already!!!

Enjoy shopping for blue, and good luck at the midwifes.

Il add you to the BOY list on the sticky now :D
Congrats on your BOy...glad he is healthy...good luck with the bloods
congratulations hun on your little boy,im sorry its not a girl like you wantyed and good luck for the rest of the pregnancy :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw congratulations! Just think how close your two sons will be when they're older!

Good luck with the glucose test, I think I have to have one later on because I'm at risk of diabetes. Let me know how it works!
Congratulations on your boy !!
I like the name Ethan - we thought about that, and i think we've settled on Ewan... still time to change though :oops:
Congratulations on your little boy! I think it is natural to feel disappointed if you wanted a girl but when it sinks in, you can start getting excited about all the cute baby boy stuff out there and looking forward to him. I always said I would have preferred a girl but when I found out, I was so pleased and now I am so happy he's a boy. Just think, all your other babies will have an older brother to look up to and protect them!
congratulations paula glad all is well. blue shopping is fun too i promise!! hope your OH and kieran come around.

Congrats on your boy sorry its not what you wanted but surely once you see him it wont matter

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