Went to parents evening at Rubys nursery yesterday

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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It was so lovely!! Her key worker Jane sat wih us and showed us a journal they are making for her, it has little reports of what she does, photos of her taking part in things, and also any "artwork" she does-she made a hand painting the other day :lol:

They said she is a very happy, lovely baby. She has settled in really well, and loves the other kids, she reaches out for them now and they think she is great!!

I am so so proud of my little angel, she is so content and happy, it makes me feel happy too as going back to work was a hard thing for me to do :cry: I just LOVE seing her little face when I pick her up, she sqeals and her little legs go like the clappers!!! :rotfl:
Awwww bless her heart!!! So she got an A* on her first parents evening then?
Well Done Ruby (& mummy) :dance:
awww,so glad she's settling in well :D :hug:

Sam starts nursery in Sept part time & I am dreading it :cry:
kirlykird said:
awww,so glad she's settling in well :D :hug:

Sam starts nursery in Sept part time & I am dreading it :cry:

:hug: :hug: Aww, honestly it will be fine...Ruby has 2 days in nursery, she spends the other das with my mum/OH mum but its a nice balance and she is spoilt rotten :lol:
ah hun just seen this, so pleased she is getting on so well i just knew she would, give her a big hug from me please and one for you hun.

well done rubes :hug: :hug:
tracey 2 said:
ah hun just seen this, so pleased she is getting on so well i just knew she would, give her a big hug from me please and one for you hun.

well done rubes :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Right back atcha dollface :wink: xxxxxx

P.s Havent forgotten bout doppler, will send asap :hug:
ah hun thanks bless ruby, im so pleased for you all,

thank you for everything, take care :hug: :hug:
Aww that's great! :cheer: I'm glad she has settled in well! :D

Well done clever little Ruby! :hug:
Ah that's great! :clap: Clever girl Ruby! Such a weight off your mind too I bet, knowing how well she's taken to nursery. I'm dreading handing Jude over when I have to go back to work, am hoping for a Lottery win in the meantime so I won't have to bother! :rotfl:
Awww that's wonderful Zoe, I am so pleased for you.

It's so great when they enjoy nursery, makes life happier all round :hug:

Well done Ruby :cheer:
welll done ruby x

when you talk about how happy you are as a mummy zoe and how proud you are of ruby, i can totally understand cos i feel exactly the same, i never thought i could feel so complete its so wonderful i feel so lucky x
rusks said:
welll done ruby x

when you talk about how happy you are as a mummy zoe and how proud you are of ruby, i can totally understand cos i feel exactly the same, i never thought i could feel so complete its so wonderful i feel so lucky x

:hug: :hug: Awww, its great innit!!?? :cheer:
awww..it must be such a relief for you ,Well done Ruby
That's so so sweet, how lovely they take pics of her, and note all her interests and fun, that sounds like a lovely nursery, and must be such a comfort to you too, great to hear she's doing so well and loving it too :hug:
It sounds like she is gettting on really well there!

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