Weight gain worries


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2014
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So I am 30 weeks pregnant, have just stood on the scales and have gained 5lbs in just over a week.

That makes my total weight gain exactly 2 stones already, does anyone know the guidlines on how much is too much? My midwife hasn't weighed me since booking in appointment!
Does anyone get regular weigh ins at their appointments?
Thanks in advance xx
Thanks, just looked the chart and it's says I have put on half a stone more than expected, eek!!
After using this iv put to much on as well. Im 33 weeks and iv put on a stone and a half. Oopps.
Not as bad as me Blueclass, lol. Oh well, am just worried now that I'm going to pack on way too much in the next 10 weeks!! my midwife hasnt weighed me tho!! Should i ask her to? Xx
They don't like to weigh people any more. I had a long conversation with my midwife about this - she said there was no point in weighing people as weight gain throughout all of pregnancy was very individual, and so was overall weight gain.

I put on most of my pregnancy weight in the first trimester, and have barely gained in the second and third - I was worried that I'd get really big after the first, but for some reason, my body just didn't like to stick with the general guidelines. So even if you feel like you've put on loads now, it doesn't mean there's loads to follow - just try to make sure to eat as healthy as you can!
I am putting on a good 2lbs a week at the moment and on track for 3 stone total weight gain. It's more than the recommended gain but my MW hasn't been concerned. I am currently calorie counting in an effort to curb my excessive eatin: I'm just constantly hungry this pregnancy. I lost it super fast last time so fingers crossed for a repeat!
I didnt really overly need to monitor myself last time, because I knew the constant sickness was keeping my weight at bay lol but this time I know Ill probably put on more than the 3st last time. Although I am smaller starting off this time - so it may just weigh out the same at the end (no pun intended :lol)

Im still in my normal clothes although coming to the end of that now, so Im hoping as Im semi neat, Ive also not put on masses.

But I didnt even get measured throughout by the MW last time for the same reasons as above everyones body, baby, placenta, fluid, bones, muscle, all weigh differently from person to person, they weighed me at my booking in and that was that. This time my BMI was 24 last time was 28 so no risk or concern of GD.

Sorry, double post.
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After my son was born I had lost over 2 stone within 24hrs. With my daughter I weighed myself about 3 days after and had also lost close to 2 stone. Infact I weighed quite a bit less than before I got pregnant. I did have big babies but it shows how hard it is to know what normal weight gain is. Also I gained weight in bursts rather than constantly. So I'd say do your best to eat sensibly but dont beat yourself up about it. I think the only thing to be aware of is that occasionally sudden weight gain is a sign of a health problem like too much fluid around the baby or severe water retention.
I put 4 stone on with baby no1!
Lost 2stone within 14days of having him. (Other 2stone was fat tho lol and took me over a year to lose it all)

Im due in 2 weeks and have again put 3.5stone on!
Bloody hope a fair bit goes again within the first few weeks! I swore to myself i wouldnt be this bad again.. But hey ho! I was lol.

Luckly im 6ft so unless im sat doen when it all gathers together or u catxh my double chin i dnt look that big lol.
I had a healthy bmi of 23 pre preg so hoping to get back down again eventually afterwards x

I have only ever been weighed once in both pregnancies at booking in.
Dno if because my bmi was 'healthy' then that they dont bother or if its just standard in my area to only grt weighed once x
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I was weighed at booking in, and then again at my 36 week appointment yesterday. From what my mw said about it, they only bother weighing that second time because they use it to calculate your risk for different conditions developing. Otherwise they aren't bothered.

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