Wee or waters?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
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I know waters can trickle...so just wondering, i can stop going to the loo, it's like I'm busting for a wee but when I get there nothing... Then baby wriggles and it trickles but it doesn't feel like I'm weeing... :-/ that sounds stupid but hope someone knows what I mean? Lol
I've just changed my panty liner and will keep an eye on it... Xxx

Tapatalking. X
I duno if you'd feel the need for a wee if it was your waters?! Do you get the trickle any other time?
I know the MW that did our antenatal classes said if it's trickling out and you can't stop it like you would a wee, it probably is your waters!!

Are you gona beat me to the end?! Lol
Smell it!!! Wee smells, waters doesnt and is clear liquid xx
I smelt it... Couldn't smell anything and its definitely clear. But it wasn't constant and only when I got to the loo, pad was barely wet and it stopped through the night (eventually) and went back to my usual hourly trip.
I think it was wee but I've never wee'd so often in my life! I was literally going every 10-15 mins! Busting but not loads each time.
thanks girls.

Tapatalking. X
Waters just come out regardless, u wouldn't feel an urge or anything. They'd trickle out without even feeling it.

I reckon ur bladder is probably squished by baby an when she moves it's allowing the flow to come out. Mine stops and I think I'm done but then as I get up to wipe, more comes out and I can't even feel it!

Cheers kids, thanks for the weak bladders haha! X
This is exactly what I felt like on Monday. I rang my midwife and she sent me up to the hospital to be checked... turned out to be discharge as my cervix was closed.

When I got there, the midwife on the ward was a bit annoyed I had been sent there tbh. I know I'm not as far on as you but sounds exactly the same.

Just keep checking your pad... and if you are still worried just ring to make sure and see what they say xxx
I think I was probably half being paranoid and half being hopeful it's the beginning! Lol

I've bought some pelvic floor balls for after birth! There's an offer on wowcher at the min xxx

Tapatalking. X
Could possibly be partly down to a water infection that is making you feel like you need to go but making it difficult to pass urine? Might be worth checking out?
Don't worry, I'm the same!! Desperate to get her out now cos I've hit a major wall of fed up with EVERYTHING!!
And everything hurts today so I'm desperately hoping she gets out soon, which means every trip for a wee leads to loo roll inspection and another rubbish feeling cos nothing's happening!!
Lol can't keep going like this or I'm gona go round the bend before she gets here!!
Oh and while I fhink of it - I find rather than leaning forward to wee, like advised by my MW, I find sitting up straighter n lifting bump helps. Like you're lifting baby off your bladder lol the things we do!!
Could possibly be partly down to a water infection that is making you feel like you need to go but making it difficult to pass urine? Might be worth checking out?

Oh yes good point actually, ill talk to mw as I have an appt tomoro xx

Tapatalking. X
I kno this feeling! I was so bad on Monday, didn't stop crying! Ended up being cuddled by a stranger!! Lol but I did feel better yesterday. Try get through today and hopefully tomoro will be better. Fx our babies are here soon! Xxxx

Tapatalking. X

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