Weapons of mass reproduction!!! *JOIN NOW*


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Right I thought maybe we could all knock all lovely heads together and really put AF in its place... IE BACK IN THE CAGE FOR NINE MONTHS wink wink nudge nudge.

So whats your plan of action this month?

Everyone join in and we can cheer each other on and hopefuy get some BFPs our of it...
Ok here are my WOMR (weapons of mass reproduction)

10 ov kits
Going out to buy some sexy underwear
BD every other day (if that doesnt bloody work nothing will!!)

anyone got any other ideas? if not thts ok too

Im joining the club!!!

Im going to force my husband to have sex! (not that its hard! :oops: ) and poas loads to make sure im definitely ovulating and not get stressed out with current kids and have them in bed at 7.30 every night so me and hubby can get busy :wink:

See this is the thing when they dont get it they whinge and when we over rampant, they whinge ya canneee win!!

Yes i know! I may make him make a few days till i ovulate cos he will then be gagging for it and will get good sperm (tmi :rotfl: ).

But i want to stay in here for at least 2 cycles its way too much fun in ttc!
ive onyl been here a month i want a bfp now now now!

<--- Little miss impatient here!

Deep down we all wan that BFP asap - it will someones month sooner or later!

I have been so fast concieving my kids, i think its my turn to sit back and wait while someone else gets their BFP.
Can i nick you rBFP for this month purrrrrrrty please, maybe thats how it works we have to nick them off each other...

Please someone i am ready grrrr as britney says gimme gimme gimme!!
sharne you are mad :rotfl:
well if i dont get my bfp this month i am going to look into herbal maybe chinese or maybe accupuncture
Sharne you are more then welcome to my bfp this month- means i get to stay in here with libs longer and plot and scheme and rant about the world!!!!
How long has it been Claire?

I do feel ill go mad somtimes lol must stay sane lol
this is month number 4 here :wall: i have 2 days to testing :cheer:
the first 2 weeks of your cycle are always rubbish but once you get past ovulation you get a bit of hope back
:think: i wonder when ff changes tickers mine still says cd20 it should be cd21 if its past midnight :think:
LOL - This is a good thread.

My plan of action is the same as yours Sharne:

OV sticks at the ready
Buy some more sexy underwear
BD every other day if possible (once AF goes, she's overstaying her welcome)
Yoga/Meditation to help with relaxation

Good luck everybody!
Well i am due to OV anytime soon, i can feel it so my plan is:

Lock OH in the bedroom and try and BD every other day for the next week hopefully that will do the trick

Apparently sexy underwear does nothing for him so i may as well save my money :shock:

Usually just being naked does the trick! :rotfl:

Only problem is that he is on night shifts mon tues and wed which will be around the day 14-15 mark so might have to do some early morning BD when he gets in the poor man!
I'll join this thread too!
I'm just waiting on AF arriving (a few days late but no reason to get excited) and once she's gone will attempt BD'ing every other day... to be honest the very thought of it makes me tired and this will only be month number 2! Also just got rid of UTI so hope that doesn't make another appearance as it certainly puts you off BDing!
I haven't got a clue about charting and don't think I'm regular enough to work things out accurately anyway.
I thought TTC was meant to be fun?? :?
I am in the 2 ww now but if it doesn't happen for me I will be joining this thread and pulling out all the stops (poor DH!!)

Gooooo Team...............

:cheer: :cheer:
I'm planning ahead to try and lessen disappointment later. I plan to order some sticks to pee on :) My plan is then to save jumping my OH for the few important days so that unlike this month he's not trying to pretend to be asleep from exhaustion by the time the golden days pop up!

Good luck to those in 2ww!!

Well bought my saucy wear and am ready to rumble yah!!

Hmmm thinking maybe about staying in brighton this weekend for a bit of ladeedarrdee!! ;)

Good luck hunni, i think we have the same cycle judging from around our tickers! Hope you get your BFP this month and will be thinking of you - poas lot and get bd!

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