Watch These Amazing Videos ...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Hi ladies,

I thought you might like to watch a pretty amazing set of short films which are available on NOVA Online's website.

The set is made up of 8 short films (each running for 5-10 minutes) which you can watch right on your computer - there's no cost involved! They are beautifully made, and show so much about what happens even before conception, right through to the third trimester. The actual film titles as follows:-

  • Passing on Your DNA
    The Egg's Journey
    The Sperm's Journey
    The First Two Weeks
    The Embryo Takes Shape
    Messages in the Genes
    Feeding the Growing Fetus
    The Third Trimester

If you would like to watch them now, then please click here.

I hope you enjoy them, I found them incredibly informative!

Best wishes,
These films are fab and recommend that people watch them!
hello me and my hubby watched them films last night.. they was great..
but one thing put me right off having a baby...was when she was giving was yuk!! and iv never seen a woman giv birth before..

my hubby was really shocked at the fact i said , ooo i dunno if i want a baby now like thats made me sick... :(

all im scared of is the pain while giving birth...

dose that sound daft???
No that sounds normal, but most women have more than one baby, im sure if it was that bad they wouldnt do it a scound or third etc time :lol:

Though they say that once your handed your baby, you forget all that! :think:
yes i agree.... im sure that you can also get a injection for the pain... :think:
Thts an epidural, it goes in ur spine, but theres risks with that and i believe its very painful :shock:
:shock: never knew that... i know my firend had that but she was fine.. said she couldnt feel a thing...
brianni said:
yes i agree.... im sure that you can also get a injection for the pain... :think:

Don't worry hun.

There's lots of options for pain relief, not just an epidural. If you want to, you could make a topic in the "Ask a Mum" section, I'm sure lots of people will be able to reassure you and answer any questions you might have.
Cried my eyes out when the baby was born - crikes I can remember the pain when the head came out.
:oops: eek!
I haven't watched all the way to the last video but they are really amazing. thanks a lot....

Just watched all of them,they are amazing videos. Thanks :)
Dreamer said:
Thts an epidural, it goes in ur spine, but theres risks with that and i believe its very painful :shock:

You're right that there are risks with it but then there are risks with every day living. There is the risk that tommorow you'll go to the shops and god I hope it never happens but you could be crossing the road and get wacked by a car which would leave u paralysed and so if you think about it there is more risk in going out daily then there is having an epdidoodle as I like to call them now after watchng Honey on Eastenders LOL.

I personally have had two epidoodles one with my first born who was born by emergency c section and two with my 2nd born who was born VBAC but with the help of forceps and I also had pethidine with him and he had to be my best labour as I was well out of it and couldnt even feel him being born. I cannot recall either epidoodle being painful in the slightest but you have to hold still for the person to do your epidoodle but I can't remember having the 2nd as I was in another world due to the pethidine but they gave me an epidoodle because they thought I was going to have another section but I managed to go to have a normal vbac.

My 3rd labour was the worst by far, Joanna was a 5hr labour from start to finish and the first part of labour was a breeze with no contractions what so ever and i'd reached 10cm dilation well b4 contractions started. I think I only had strong contractions in the last hr with her and by that time it was too late for any pain relieve other than gas and air and boy was that painful and I have already decided that number 4 baby labour I will get to the hospital in plenty of time for some pethidine and perhaps an epidoodle.

The good thing with only having gas and air though would be the fact that you recover much quilkly as you do not get the drozyness you get with pethidine and again you don't get the numbness from your waist down that you'll get with an epidoodle which if I remember correctly takes a few hours to wear off and is rather frustrating and you;ll have a cathatar so your bladder can empty without you wetting the bed or anything as obviously you'll have no control there.

I think the pain without pain relieve is intense but as soon as baby is born the pain goes straight away although you might get some after pains but thats just like period pains and is copeable with strong pain killers. I wouldnt say you forget the pain of labour staight away as I certainly didnt forget Joannas pain straight away and even today I can clearly remember how it felt but that pain is worth it as you get a lovely baby at the end of it and that is what makes it worth it.

myself and Oh just watched these and they are amazing
hi i had epidurals with both my kids and i didnt feel a thing OH had to leave the room though as he felt faint watch them put the needle in :rotfl: men when you need them :roll: :hug:
I really found that intersting, thank you. Who would know we had such choosy eggs? :lol: :lol: I coudlnt believe the way the feeler things had to match up with the sperm exactly to gain enterance!
In my day we either didn't know all this to that extent or technology to captue it wasn't around.
After watching it though it left me with a bit of a deflated feeling, how hard it really is to get pregnant, it's almsot as if the odds are against, but I suppose if that were so we would be dying species and we aren't!

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