Waste of money????


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Rubie got loads of presents for Christmas and her birthday, however, 99% of them she isn't interested in or they are too old for her/too summery (eg garden toys). She loves her dolls and pram, and her discovery dome. She wont go near her rocking reindeer or her bounce and spin zebra, or her drop and roar dinosoar. The rest she just ignores. What did you find to be a godsend and what do you wish you could take back?
ohh i wanted to get B the zebra but couldnt afford it lol

all B prezzie he has played with thankfully
well i searched high & low for a golden coin maker for josh for weeks as they were sold out everywhere, he was 'desperate' for one.
found him one, he played with it on boxing day with my dad, wheres it been since? in the toy cupboard!!

all that effort :roll: :roll:
My daughter wanted the golden coin maker but I couldn't get it so she didn't get it. BUT glad as have hear from people at work that it is crap.
She has played with all her toys as has son. We learnt really with number 2 not to buy loads as they don't play with them or appreciate them so son got mainly clothes and a few toys this year.
Jess was totally spoilt this year, we must of spent at least £300 on her and what does she play with the most. A big cuddley spongebob that cost £7.49 from toys'r'us. Aimee will play with anything as long as its Jessicas! Lol
We asked the family not to buy too many toys but it never happened, my sister went out her way to buy a huge stuffed horse, the size of a st bernard from toys r us, it doesnt move, make a noise, needless to say he aint even looked at it, he loved the discovery dome though, another waste was a ride on ( my 1st ride on) and he was too big for it XkelXS

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