Wake up squiggle! **Updated**


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2012
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Not moving much today. I've felt a few movements but nothing like normal. HATE worrying! Hubby thinks I'm overreacting. We have my step daughters so if I wanted to go up the hospital I'd have to go on my own :-/ might see if we perks up, maybe have a diet coke or something. Usually only drink water :-/

Update - little monkey going crazy in there now!!! Relieved. Xx
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You'd have to have full sugar coke or something like orange juice to get the benefits of it bex, its the sugar you see.

Have you tried all the usual stuff like lying on your left side, ice cold drinks ect ect?

Otherwise definitely go up & get checked!
Like sara said huni get checked for piece of mind. We both have 24482times havent we Sara hehe :p

Hope everything is fine tho hun..
Tri 3 have had none atop naughty babies recently! Xx
Ice cold diet coke, caffeine and coldness may help. Got chocolate for the sugar. Fx.
Naughty squiggle! I thought my little girl was being a bit quiet today too but she's perked up since I sat down this evening. Defo try a fizzy drink and sit/lay down quietly for a bit and hopefully she'll wake up for you. I'm sure she's absolutely fine in there Hun but the trouble with having a normally very active baby is that it's so much more noticeable when they have a quieter day! If you are concerned though don't hesitate to give the hospital a call, it's always better to be on the safe side xxx
Yes, that's it! It's very noticeable. I think it's a position thing as usually she lies transverse but is definitely breach or ceph and I feel strange things down very low. Was getting cervix pains last night, probably kicking it! Was most unpleasant!!!
She'll probably keep me up all night kicking now! ;-)
Like sara said huni get checked for piece of mind. We both have 24482times havent we Sara hehe :p

Hope everything is fine tho hun..
Tri 3 have had none atop naughty babies recently! Xx

Yep like 15 times & 5 growth scans between us haha! Crazy pregnant ladies ey?!
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Squiggle. Stop worrying. Mummy.hows.things.now? M midwife said caffeine always wakes them.have u prodded? ?? ? There buggers. Moo hasn't stopped today so same as u when their quiet we notice so much.if u gonna worry id go hospital hunny.hope monkey wakes up.let me k ow xxx
Yes, that's it! It's very noticeable. I think it's a position thing as usually she lies transverse but is definitely breach or ceph and I feel strange things down very low. Was getting cervix pains last night, probably kicking it! Was most unpleasant!!!
She'll probably keep me up all night kicking now! ;-)

I think position definitely makes a difference, I still think my little lady changes position lots from breech to ceph and back again. Sometimes I feel movements really low down and these aren't as noticeable but like you say they feel strange! And it feels like she is kicking more inwards then as well. But when she turns to what I think must be head down the movements seem much more noticeable because they are higher up and I can see my tummy moving loads and she seems to kick more outwards. I hope she does keep you awake with wriggling tonight because then at least you can stop worrying ;-) xxx
Can sympathise mrs, my bubs seems to be having a lazy night too. Its just worry worry worry all the time isnt it?! Im munching on maltesers here to try & jee them up x
Thanks ladies... Just had a couple of kicks, saw tummy move so that's encouraging! Fx it carries on. Naughty naughty squiggle!!!!
aww glad shes moving again. my girly is a bit quiet but shes got stronger recently too so i know about it when she does kick. tight bump and quiet baby usually mean growth spurt
So glad you're getting movement again umbongo! Phew! x
Glad squiggle is on the move :) xx

Tapatalking. X
She's been crazy today! Making up for lost time I think! My stepdaughters felt it and saw my tummy move loads, they loved it :)
Aww glad baby perked up. Scary when they go quiet... my little was quiet few days again and now she stronger and almost constant kicks lol

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