Vicious cycle


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
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I feel so sick! Can't eat anything, everything smells bad. im so Weak from not being able to get food down. Can't stop spewing. No idea where that's coming from! No idea how to break the cycle, any suggestions?

I've ordered some of those preview pops which are on their way. I'm drinking lots of water,but that's coming straight back up too....
Oh poor you Toria,
My nausea relatively mild and it's driving me crazy so I feel really sorry for you. I'm afraid I don't have any tips but hope someone can give you a magic cure :-(
I've still got nausea and sickness at 17 + 3 :( it's miserable.
Try sucking ice cubes instea of drinking lots of water. But I you need water sip it not actually 'drink'.
Try some salty crackers to see if that helps. Also just for some sour patch kid sweets they help the nausea feeling.
I've tried ginger beer but ewk gross cant do that!

Hope you feel better soon xx
I can't imagine feeling this ill till 17 weeks. Poor you! Just going to attempt an ice lolly. Yeah I can't stand ginger beer either.
If you are not managing to keep anything down, not even water and vomiting you mey need to see GP you need your urine testing. If you have 4 + ketones in your wee your body is using its muscle mass to feed itself. (Hyperemesis) you will need to go in to hospital for IV fluids and anti sickness meds. They might scan you early to rule out twins. In this weather more important than ever to get hydrated.
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If you are not managing to keep anything down, not even water and vomiting you mey need to see GP you need your urine testing. If you have 4 + ketones in your wee your body is using its muscle mass to feed itself. (Hyperemesis) you will need to go in to hospital for IV fluids and anti sickness meds. They might scan you earloy to rule out twins. In this weather more important than ever to get hydrated.

I had hyperemesis when pregnant with both my children so was expecting it again, but hoping not. I've just managed an ice lolly and feel ok so far. Fingers crossed.
Well you know the symptoms just don't leave it too long it will be the heat that will tip you over quicker. Have you tried the sea sickness bands, ginger biscuits. Eat little and often, but get some fluids down.
Have you seen these? they're supposed to be quite good. I don't know if this is a uk website as I'm on my phone and can't look properly but there's loads of places that sell them, probably on eBay too! Hope you feel better! Xxx
I lived on ice pops and sucking on orange segments for about 2 weeks when I didn't feel as queasy I had dry pasta shells not the most appetising but no funny smell and seemed to do the trick! Also the doctor gave me dissolute which you can get over the counter to help rehydrate with salts etc xxx
I lived on ice pops and sucking on orange segments for about 2 weeks when I didn't feel as queasy I had dry pasta shells not the most appetising but no funny smell and seemed to do the trick! Also the doctor gave me dissolute which you can get over the counter to help rehydrate with salts etc xxx


I'm feeling a bit better today to stocked up on ice lollies and just had plain pasta shells for lunch. All staying down so far!
Tri hopping ~
My morning sickness was bloody awful! Ginger biscuits and nibbling on plain crackers seemed to help me a lot! And of course drink lots of water x x x

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