very strange AF.. help!!


New Member
Apr 2, 2016
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I don't know whether I should be worrying or not but I've just had a very strange what I think is AF!
I always come on on the 29th like clockwork and I always have heavy bleeding for 6 days. So on the 29th this month I was sat in my car thinking why hasn't AF started yet but then I realized that my AF will actually show up on the 1st as February was a shorter month by 2 days. But just as I was thinking that I funny enough started my light spotting that I get at the start of my period which means AF was showing 2 days early!!Then for the 2 days I bled it was like a normal bleed only it wasn't BRIGHT red it was more light red and was enough to fill a pad but only had to wear 1 pad on each of the 2 days and took till the end of day to fill them both times. Then on the 1st when my actual AF was due all I've had is dark brown spotting and now it's completely stopped. So overall I had 2 days of medium bleeding then it just slowed down and stopped straight to brown spotting for 2 days. I had no cramping atall either. I've been VERY tired this past week. To the point I was having after work naps and still going to bed early and waking up exhausted I have no energy to even make anything to eat when I'm hungry lol. So anyway I was wondering if anyone can help me out or experienced this.. I'm trying really hard to think that there's no way I could be pregnant as I'm very skeptical with the whole people who bleed when pregnant.. but for some reason something just dosnt seem right about this weird AF. Especially when your used to heavy long periods that come on time normally!!
The only way to tell is to test... Sorry not to have more help than that!
Could just be a weird AF but testing then doctors if you're still thinking something's up are the only ways!
I had this and was low on iron, my af blood was actually orange colour, the exhaustion and lack of energy is also a sign. Get your gp to do a blood test for anaemia. I've been fine since taking vitamins with iron in. xx
Okay thank you for your replies. I've had blood tests done in the past and iron levels have always been fine. But will start taking supplements just incase. Do you think I should take a test still or has the 2 days of bleeding I had 2 days prior to AF date ruled out pregnancy? Like I said I'm very skeptical so going out and buying a test dosnt cross my mind.. but then again something wasn't right this month that's all I can convince myself
Also (TMI).. I know I had sex around 2 weeks after my last period. I don't track my ovulation dates but I know it must have been close to that time. Sex was unprotected but withdraw was used
Weird AFs can be a sign of pregnancy. Not for me, but many say it is.
What harm will testing do if you are not sure about whether or not you are pregnant? I know it can be disappointing if not, but surely you'll at least know then?
It's a choice, I think. To put it bluntly, you either assume you're not pregnant and leave it or test/go to doctors.
Simple as!
Good luck!
Im in the same boat! Had a very weird and long AF, took a test but was a BFN and now am waiting till tomorrow to get the results of my blood test back from the dr. I also have very sore boobs and cramps/tightness in my lower stomach as well as being really tired where I sleep 1-2 hours during the day then go to bed early. Im also off my food a little and want dairy and carbs. 24 hours is a long wait!
How did you go? Any news?

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