Vagisil thrush cream


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2012
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Does anyone know if it's safe to use in pregnancy please?! I've got awful thrush it's driving me crazy and it's so expensive so I just brought this as its cheaper. Thanks xxx
I've been suffering with thrush as well, I've been told to use coal tar soap as this helps keep it away and try and eat one natural yoghurt a day. As well as this avoid hot baths as its a perfect breeding ground for thrush! I know the canesten cream is definitely ok to use as well as the pessary but the oral tablets are a no go area. it should state in the advisory leaflet for vagisil if not google it! Hope this helps I know how horrible it is xx
Sorry just wanted say thank you !! I went tesco buy some natural yogurt yesterday oh my god when it works its heaven lol!!!! but im sick of itching they wouldnt sell me canesten or anything because they arent licensed to with me being pregnant. They told me go the doctors monday so thats what im doing but its driving me crazy itch itch itch arghhhh !!!!! xxxxxx and they said vagisil was safe to use :) but i havent used it as i have take progestrone pessary twice a day in case it interfers with that or something i forgot ask lol xxx
No problem the coal tar soap has worked wonders for me it seems to keep it under control I just use it once a day in the shower! The doctor will probably prescribe you canesten boots chemist wouldn't give me it but the chemist in my doctors had no issues giving me it :) eating the natural yogurt helps to keep the good bacteria out saying the bad but is more of a long term solution like the soap is! It's so un lady like the itching isn't it (tmi I know but it's just awful) xx

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