Upper adomonial pain


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Don't know if anyone is up to help. Just been woken up by massive pain in my upper adomonials. The pain is constant so not bh, it's right in middle inbetween bump and boobs and going down slightly. It really hurts and in tears but not sure if it is just gas and indegestion? Took gaviscon but not helped. Have googled it and worried could be pre clampsia but had no other symptoms what so ever and baby has been kicking away still... Help?! Xxx
It sounds to me like it could be trapped wind... I know it's a higher than usual place to get it but with everything being pushed up it may be that. Try having a gentle walk around your house/flat as that will help move it if it is that. If its still there and as bad in half an hour or so I'd call triage and ask them what they think. I don't think it would be pre eclampsia though if you've had no other symptoms. Hope you feel better ASAP xxx
Thanks I was thinking same thing so nice to know doing right thing. Will see how I feel in half hour or so. I'm sure the fact I'm tired is just making it worse xxx
Still painful so rang hospital. I live 45 mins away so they don't want me in unintentionally so told to take paracetomol have a warm drink and ring back in hour. Going to be tired at work tomorrow!! Xx
aww no cant believe its still painful, has the paracetamol touched it?
On another note how funny - we are same due dye and gestation but it ticker says 74% complete and mine says 73%

that funny isn't it?
Yeah I noticed that a while ago and didn't know why it said that?! Very strange!

Well I thought it had got better while drinking my hot drink but got bad again. I really don't want to go in as feel like an idiot going in for trapped wind! Haha.

Saw your post about your dog, what a good doggie they are! You know you are safe with them around :) xx
ohh I never noticed it before? ahh well

thing is if it doesn't ease you might be aswell getting checked as it may not just be trapped wind and you'll get piece of mind then as well as some relief won't you.
not ideal though hospital being 45 mins away it's abit of a trek mines about 25-30 mins away and a pain in the ass :/

can you wait until baby comes? I can't I keep thinking ohhh 7 weeks and hel be ready then he can come :)
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Yes very excited!!! Go on maternity leave on 5th August (well have 5 weeks hols starting this date) and can't wait and hoping time will go even quicker. :) now about to ring hospital up again so see what they say. Oh is having a power nap in case he does have to drive me xx
same here I've got 5 weeks to take starting 26 July cannot wait

let us know what hospital say
They were really nice and said its either wind, baby lying in very awkward position pushing all up or pulled muscle. She said it doesn't sound like anything sinister. To try and get comfortable and see how I am in morning. Am now set up in spare room so don't disturb oh and try and get sleep. Feel bad for oh though as he is tree surgeon and needs his sleep, don't want him having any accidents!! Thanks for chatting, nice to know someone else is up! Haha xx
Good news! Yea get some rest I'm gunna try and go bk to sleep I'm up at 6.30 :)

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