Update on weight loss


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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As some of you may know I re-joined Slimming World last week 'cause I could do with losing a few stone. More healthy for me and bubs when I fall PG. Anyway I went to my first weigh-in tonight and I've lost 2lbs.....Yay!!! Only another 3 stone to go :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well Done!

I am also trying to lose weight. I have managed to lose 12lbs just from going swimming - its been coming off slowly - and I still have a long way to go.
Its really hard with all the comfort eating that comes with tcc. I seem to spend a couple of nights a month eating tons of choc and being totally unmotivated.!

Keep up the good work!
well done hun, you can carry on sliming world whilst PG as well cus thats wot im doin. xxxx
well done ! im trying to go swimmiing more but it costs a fortune tht i just dont have right now :wall:
Swimming meant to be the best kind of excersise isn't it? Although it's no use to me, I can't swim :rotfl:
well done Skairdy thats great news - :cheer:

:cheer: im really disapointed tbh - i started Weight Watchers last Monday, have stuck to it REALLY well and started walking to and from work everyday - yet i have put half a stone on :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

:think: what the heck is happening?
I would also like to lose a little bit of weight, luckily yesterday was my last day at work (after a temporary contract) so I have all the time in the world to get out and about with the dog and get fit again :cheer: Well for three and a half weeks until I have to find another job :(

MissGobby, I'm sure I read somewhere that it takes about 3-6 months for your body and weight to reflect your healthy eating and exercise. Maybe the weight gain is from what you were eating 3 months ago? Keep it up though and you'll see a difference :D
yeah but Mildly - my mum is on the same plan as me, she has only been on it four weeks and yet she has lost loads - she is only 3 pounds from losing a stone!!!
Miss Gobby did you not post a thread yesterday that you thought that maybe this month was your month to get a BFP? Maybe thats why. Just a thought.
yeah i did Skairdy - i think i might be, not not getting any symptoms apart from lots of wind :oops: , tummy hurts and feels a little hard and get dull aches from time to time!!! but surely, even if i was PG, i wouldnt put half a stone on in a week???? :think:
with slimming world you get more sins later on but not much now, you are only supposed to have more calories when pregnant in the last trimester, its better when you r PG tho cus u can cheat and not feel too guilty. xxxxxxx
Aaaw MissGobby that sucks :( Maybe your Mum has been sneakily doing more exercise! I hope your little bit of extra weight does mean that you'll get your BFP, even though it does sound like a lot to put on in the first few weeks!!

Good luck with it anyway :D
my mums been playing badminton twice a week and swimming twice a week for a month and she has lost a stone already
manda x
Well done Skairdy...losing weight is really hard...I am terrible at it! Keep up the good work!

Miss Gobby...maybe your body is holding on to all those nutrients for your BFP this month....fingers crossed :D

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