UPDATE: Baby is here!! Labour at nearly 28 weeks?


Active Member
May 28, 2013
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Quick update...

Emilia-Rose Elizabeth made her arrival at 6.30pm, weighing 4lb 3oz.

I was taken into delivery just before 6pm, where my waters were immediately broken. I saw more medical staff, who were from SCIBU and I told them to take care of my girl.

30 minutes later of hard pushing, puffing on gas and air and contracting well, Emilia-Rose Elizabeth arrived. I only saw a brief glimpse of her dark hair, as the staff immediately swarmed round her, giving her oxygen before taking her through. My placenta was then delivered with ease.

I hope to go along to see her tomorrow as I'm shattered. My husband has just come back from being with her and says she is gorgeous and a real fighter. She's on oxygen and steroids for her lungs, but doing well.

Will post photo later on.

Emilia-Rose Elizabeth Stevenson
Born: 11 July, 6.30pm @ 27 weeks
Weight: 4lb 3oz

(Posted this in separate message, before I found out how to update first post)

Away to hospital as I've been getting really bad period like cramps since yesterday.

I've also been getting a really tight feeling all over bump and not sure if they are Braxton hicks or contractions. Never had braxton hicks before so getting monitored to check.

Husband is panicking as thinks I'm in labour, but hope not.

Trying to remember to breathe through the pain.

Sending this from my phone, so sorry for any mistakes as sending it quickly.
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Hope all is well, keep us posted xx
Sorry for lack of update.... phone signal rubbish!

Monitor shows contractions peaking every 10 minutes. Emilia doing fine - very low down. Can feel her having a few kicks.

Now on drip to try and stop contractions. Trying their best to stop labour, but cervix softening and can feel waters bulging.

If labour starts, told she could be here tomorrow or on Saturday. Been given steroid injection to help with lungs.
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Fingers crossed they can stop labour. A friend of mine went into labour at 32 weeks and they managed to stop it. They were hoping to put it off till at least 36 weeks, but she managed to get through to 39.
hope everything goes well either way. thinking of you xxx
Oh wow, I hope they manage to stop it for you hun xx
Fell asleep at around 1pm and woke up 30 minutes ago (obviously needed it!) and examined.
I was shocked to be told I am now 6cm! I've dilated without even realising.

Contractions still strong, but bearable for now. Examined again in an hour and take it from there....

I feel immense pressure down below, which I know is her head and my waters. Trying to sleep but I can't.

It looks as if I'm in early labour and that baby is certainly on her way.

Update when I can.
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good luck!! i hope everything goes ok! keep us all posted x x x
Now 9cm..

Been given another steroid injection and waiting to be taken to delivery, where waters will be broken....

I've been told that I'm doing well with the contractions, but I don't feel like I am, as in agony .. . they are so f****** sore and intense.
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