Unbelievable.... xxx updated with babba's heartbeat link x

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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I am really, really pregnant. :angel:
It was my 24th Birthday on tuesday and my oh bought me an angelsounds doppler...
I didn't hear anythin then when we got back from our meal I tried it with the gel and I found my baby's heartbeat! It was amazing. :cheer: :cheer:

I found it again tonight with my mum and its approx 150 beats per minute.
I am in awe and have recorded them on my laptop. I love it... It has made it soooo real.
Just wanted to share this with you all xxxxx :D

Here is the link, quality is a bit poop but it took me ages so this will have to do:
Awww brilliant news hun!

hope you had a good birthday as well :) xx
aww WOW i didn't think you could get it at 9 wks :cheer: :cheer: can you put it on here so i can hear please? i love hearing the hb :D
awww thats so sweet hope u had a great birthday
They are fab those heart monitors I must get another one....wonderful sound. I didnt know you could hear the heart beat that early either amazing!!
Oh wow you must be so excited and must be great to hear ur bubbas heartbeat :clap: :dance:
Would love to get one where did your OH get your from and which brand would like to get a decent one. Dustyx
dustydog... my oh just typed in angelsounds doppler...

twas 24.99 and you get two tubes of gel :)

Best thing ever xx
:D :cheer:

I really didnt think you could hear it this early.

Does this mean I am maybe further gone?!?!
Wow that's amazing hun! :dance: I am really impressed just googled it thanks mammy rich. I am really tempted to buy one just can't decide which this one or the hi bebe and will I get paranoid wanting to use it all the time! Oh decisions to make! Dusty x :? :)
:D :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: wow its deffo the babys hb bless :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: well done for finding it :D

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