Ultrasound at 8DPO! Possibly pregnant?


New Member
Dec 17, 2016
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Hi this is my first time posting so please excuse if I'm not in the right place! This cycle has been very different. Didn't test with opks this month until (supposedly) 4DPO as I was feeling crampy, had a positive on cb but IC OPK was negative, but IC was positive and CB was negative the next day. Anyway, had a routine ultrasound yesterday 8DPO and was told my uterus lining was thick and should expect AF by Sunday? But if I'm going by the positive OPK then I'm due AF on the 22nd. Had a few symptoms this month! I've been feeling so nauseated every night, yellow tinged Lotion CM, slightly crampy on and off since ovulation and so tired! Wanted to know if anyone had anything like this and what the outcome was? Took a HPT this morning and thought I could see something but sure it was my eyes playing tricks! Thanks!!
Do you have another test? If you are pregnant then your HCG levels should start going up and you should be getting clearer and clearer lines.
Your symptoms sound promising though!! Fx!:dust:
I was convinced I was pregnant last month as I was nauseous, tired and had cramps early on after ovulation, unfortunately it turned out to not be the case as AF arrived a day earlier than expected. I think for me once I came off the pill i experienced PMS symptoms that I never had whilst on the pill which is why I got confused. I'm learning to try not to analyse any symptoms in the 2WW...hopefully the 2WW will go quicker that way. Fingers crossed you get your BFP...keep us posted ��

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