My wee boy is 6 days old & he twitches loads in his sleep. It sometimes looks like he's had a fright but recently hes started getting really twitchy & shaky. Today his leg was kicking out for a while and his arm was going. I asked the MW but all she said was that some babies are restless & to get the doc to check it over. The doc has done a routine check on him & he didnt seem too concerned when I mentioned it.
Have any other mum's experienced this?? I googled it but it came back with lots of scary websites about infant seizures. He is otherwise great, feeds brilliantly & sleeps lots. I'm sure its nothing, but its quite scary when it happens.
Have any other mum's experienced this?? I googled it but it came back with lots of scary websites about infant seizures. He is otherwise great, feeds brilliantly & sleeps lots. I'm sure its nothing, but its quite scary when it happens.