Twitchy baby


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2008
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My wee boy is 6 days old & he twitches loads in his sleep. It sometimes looks like he's had a fright but recently hes started getting really twitchy & shaky. Today his leg was kicking out for a while and his arm was going. I asked the MW but all she said was that some babies are restless & to get the doc to check it over. The doc has done a routine check on him & he didnt seem too concerned when I mentioned it.

Have any other mum's experienced this?? I googled it but it came back with lots of scary websites about infant seizures. He is otherwise great, feeds brilliantly & sleeps lots. I'm sure its nothing, but its quite scary when it happens.
James did it when he was very new too - he was what I would describe as "jittery". Docs said it might be low blood sugar (I get like that too) as he'd had a hard time when I was having him. It passed quite quickly and might not be the same as what your LO has. I would just keep an eye on it - your LO has just spent nine months in the comfort of his mummy so could just be adjusting!
Could it not be dreaming? I know twitching and rapid eye movement is a sign of deep sleep and dreaming, but I'm not sure about little ones.

Hope someone can put your mind to rest :)
The doctors told me that newborn Jacob was a little jittery due to low blood sugar. It passed in the days after birth.

If you are still concerned that it is not going away as the days pass, ask your visiting midwife/doctor if it could be blood sugar level related?

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