Tummy growth/bloat


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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Even though I am constantly paranoid about baby (see other thread), I can def tell we are at the growing stage... my tummy feels so stretched! Did anyone elses at this stage?

I don't have a "baby bump" yet, but I definitely have a fat lump in my lower belly. I know it is a combo of bloat and bubba, but at times it gets really uncomfortable (no pains, just achey).

Have started using the bio-oil to fight any stretchmarks that may be coming my way - not sure if it will actually work, but worth a try :)
I currently feel the same, husband said last night 'ooh you're starting to feel pregnant' I've definitely got a little rounding going on but I feel bloated and uncomfortable. I get dull pains now and then and sharp ones if I cough or sneeze
Around 14/15 weeks I started to feel just like you describe - really bloated and uncomfortable, especially in the evenings. I still feel like that at 17 weeks. And I'm worried about stretch marks too! My bump is still pretty small (I'm quite slim), but I've not been able to fit any of my normal trousers/jeans for weeks now! x
Frankie - yes!! sneezing causes me a little bit of pain too!

Karen - My jeans still fit, but I am finding tights and leggings a real pressure on belly, may have to move into the size up. I'm def uncomfy at night - have looked at those pregnancy pillows, but may just buy 2 normal ones (seem more useful in the long run).
Oh yes, I started to get like that a few weeks ago, especially at the end of the night. I couldn't sit down and relax coz my stomach felt soooo stretched, I felt if it stretched anymore I would pop!! Really felt.like I was 40 weeks not 15 lol
I've been feeling exactly the same, feels as if Im puffing out my tummy all the time! Ive been using Palmers cocoa butter for stretch marks - a couple of my friends swore by it in their pregnancy! Seems to work, *fingers crossed* it will for me!

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