
Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
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Hi ladies

My husband and I have had our first appointment with the fertility clinic, ad we were told and a scan confirmed I have pcos. I know this isn't the end. But I was wondering if any of you lovely ladies have pcos and wuld be willing to share you stories or experiences with me. if you don't want to I understand or if you prefer you can pm me. I am now 28 and never new, due always being on contraception, that I have pcos.

TIA ladies
Hi Rhona, I'm 27 had been on the pill since I was 15 so had no idea until I came off it last Xmas 2014. I was diagnosed with PCOS and wasn't even ovulating at the time so was told there was a slim chance of conceiving naturally. Whilst we were waiting for our referral I started taking EPO and Soy and in Dec I got my first :bfp:

Wish you all the luck x
I only got diagnosed with PCOS aged 31 after pushing for it. I'm not pregnant yet but my cycles are a lot more settled than a year ago. I've seen lots of ladies on here get pregnant with PCOS so it really can (and will) happen xx
Didn't realise you were taking soy, FP, that's interesting... xx
Whats epo?

Thank you ladies for sharing. Feeling a bit more hopeful now.

Fx for everyone's bfp.

And fairyprincess wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy n baba when he/she arrives xx
Didn't realise you were taking soy, FP, that's interesting... xx

Yeah it was my 2nd cycle, it definitely shortened them as the cycle I got my BFP I ov'd CD18 rather than 23.

Thanks Rhona, EPO is evening primrose oil it helps with Ewcm which I wasn't really producing beforehand. FX you get your BFP x
I'd add that chromium has helped me loads. It's been the only thing to stop my spotting (which I was getting pretty much constantly) and also gives me ewcm. I wasn't getting it at all until I started taking it. X
Hi, try not to worry too much, there is plenty that can be done to help you.

I had my first baby at 23, first month of stopping the pill. When we tried for a second my periods were irregular and I couldn't get pregnant. After various tests I was diagnosed with pcos - I have none of the "usual" symptoms such as over weight, excess hair etc. However, my ovaries are polycystic. I had drilling done and although it shortened my cycles, I still didn't get pregnant. I got divorced from my husband (not because of this)

I am now remarried and we started trying for a baby when I was 33. Amazingly I got pregnant (with no assistance) within 2 months of me stopping the pill. Unfortunately I had a missed mc. It took me 7 months to get pregnant again, that resulted in a spontaneous early mc by 6 weeks.

My cycles ranged from 5-10 weeks and we paid to see a consultant after second mc. It was money well spent as he said because I had pcos I was entitled to all the tests on the nhs, I was referred by my doctor and within 4 months, everything had been done. Various blood tests, scans, HCG. I then saw the consultant again who prescribed me 6 months worth of clomid. He said because my cycles were long, egg quality may not have been great by time they were being released (left hanging around for ages!)
I started on 100mg of clomid and responded well, ovulating first time and cycle length of 29. My consultant likes to aim for twin ovulation - 2 eggs being produced per cycle - to up chances of pregnancy. So third cycle was upped to 150mg and I did produce two eggs - you get scans and monitored. Cycle 4 and I conceived. I am now 9+2 and so far so good. Although I have had metformin in the past, my consultant said I was not to take it as it isn't beneficial for women without the typical symptoms and that my blood sugar was normal.
My progesterone levels had been low but once I was on clomid they were really good. It took 9 months to get pregnant this time, I am now just 35.
Wishing you lots of luck, keep us updated.
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That's interesting, as clomid completely stopped my spotting (although I over-responded). Didn't get pregnant the couple of cycles I did use it though. X
Hi Girls, I was diagnosed with PCOS only recently, and with me it's probably a new thing. I gained a lot of weight and started having stupidly irregular cycles. (The last one was 47 days)

TRacking the sympthomes I think I am still ovulating around 13 days before my period but Untill I start trying I do not know.

I can't use any kind of hormonal medicine though as the last time I used anything I've repeatedly ended up in a hospital. So will just hope for the best.
Although not an issue with myself, from what I understand, symptoms get so much better with weight loss and getting to a healthy bmi. Probably the best step you can take. Metformin may well help with weight loss too, can't you take that? It is a diabetic medication that helps regulate blood sugar.
Clare, I do not know. The thing with my weight is that the lastfew months I've gained weight by 'looking at food' I Walk to work, cut the portions in half, consulted a dietician and am doing quite a lot but I keep gaining weight or at least keeping it. Since march last year I went from 12 to 14 stone and even when I was going to the gym it didn't help.

I have a GP appointment on 3rd, I will see how it goes. I am still scared because I'm taking four other medicines (for blood pressure, allergy and stomach) and I seriously don't know how it's going to go and what the GP will tell me.

Sorry for the rant but I am worried and excited at the same time :p
Metformin should help hun xx I'm on it even though I was only 8 stone but still lost all the flab I had on my thighs xx
Hi hopefully you'll see this just wanted to share my story....

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17... so 8 years ago now. I've been on contraception since I was 16. (Mini Pill)

I was told I may need help conceiving etc etc....when I starting trying for a baby I wasn't ovulating what so ever, but I was having REGULAR periods, every 28- 30 days that woudl last approx. 3 nights.
After 6 months, nothing. No baby not a inklng of that BFP.

I started to lose weight...only lost 10 pounds and then 2 months after on Christmas eve I had a 'spare' test. I took it, knowing it would be negative. (Which it was) I then left the room came back and there was the FAINTEST of lines.

I ran out as quick as I could to Tesco. Bought a clear blue. I was 1-2 weeks pregnant. I cried and cried.
I was then booked in for my 12 weeks scan when an overwhelming sense of worry came over me. I went to the hospital and lied saying I had pains in order for them to scan me. It may sounds awful but after being told I couldn't do it, i needed to know for sure she was there.

There she was, little heartbeat 6 weeks old.

I THEN got told I had a massive cyst completely covering one tube which is why it took me so long to get pregnant as only one was working 100 percent.

She was born on 26th August 2015.

I just wanted to say... it took me 8 months of really trying. Please hang in there it WILL happen. Maybe not as soon as we'd all like but im sure it will. I was told every negative thing possible....that id lose her....that my cervix wasn't closed properly this and that....the other. Just hang in there!

I wish you so much luck because I really understand how you must feel. xxx
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22 day cycle this month! Either that or 6 days of heavy, bright red spotting before AF. I thought I'd got it under control but my cycles seem to have gone crazy again since my failed IVF cycle.

Any advice would be much appreciated xx
I would just like to say thank you to all tpu wonderful ladies for sharing tou stories with. I feel alot more confisent now. Along with hetting + opks 2 days in a row. Not had that before.

Congratulations to the ladies who have or have one on the way. And fx for those you are ttc
Hi Rhona,
I'm 34, I have pcos. We have been ttc our first for over 3 years.

I've got pg twice in that time, both natural pregnancies, but I mc both. I'm currently on clomid cycle 2.

I don't have regular cycles, they range from 23 days to over 100. I am a bit overweight but not loads and am inside the criteria for treatment. My consultant won't let me have metformin though, even though I seem an ideal candidate he says not suitable?! Instead I'm taking inositol, which is supposed to be a natural version of it. I also swapped to a higher fat diet which sounds bizarre but I lost 10 kg by doing so with no other changes. I'm wanting to lose another 6 kg in the next few months.
I am on protein shakes. I have 1 a day if i dont work out. But i am allowed 2 if i i did 20 mins of kickboxing and 10 mins pilates.i use xbox fitness to excercise. Also i have been tracking ovilation this cycle and i got my 4th positive opk thi am. Is this normal?

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