TTC Questions


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:wave: Hello

Some of you know me, but for those fo you that don't HIYA! :D

Ok first of all we are not trying now :shhh:

But when do people typicaly ovulate? who uses the cervix check method.

What methods are the most popular on trying to get pregnat ( erm obviously sex would be a start :rotfl: )

Anyone trying or tried the how get a girl/boy theories?

Thanks x :hug:
Its different for every, they say for a 28 day cycle its day 14 but not always, i think i oved on day 12...

I used opks and checked for cm and ov pains to know when to do it and stuff...

Best of luck for when you do start trying :)

I think it's a good start to start watching your CM (cervical mucous), as in most women it changes before, during and after ovulation, so a very visible sign, if your CM is obvious. This link should help;

Ovulation predictor kits (OVPK's) as Steelgoddess says are also useful, they detect the high hormonal surge in the Luteinizing hormone, which occurs (24-36hrs-I think that's the time scale), before you ovulate, so again its a sign that occurs right around ovulation, so very useful for knowing when to be BD'ing (baby dancing-sex :shhh: ). However, not everyone has great success with them, personally I never got a positive, dark line, but that's probably due to testing at the wrong time. There are cheap and expensive kinds. These links should help;



I've never tried checking my own cervix so cannot comment on that. As for boy or girl, the only advice I've really thought useful was that female sperm tend to live longer than male, so if you BabyDance a couple or a few days before you ovulate, chances are you've more girl sperms. Also as the girl sperms are said to be slower, live longer, they also find it harder to get to the egg if you orgasm before OH.

That's all just from my experience and what people have told me, but I think there's many more ways, thoughts and ideas so I hope you have fun when you come to ttc, do you know when you might? :D :hug: and very best wishes :hug:
I use cervix position - I'll dig out the links someone gave me - but tbh its more about you getting to know your body. If you're not ttcing atm its a perfect time to check your cp for a month and get to know the different positions - combined with cm checking its pretty reliable so long as you bd regularly as well then all should be well

good luck when you start :D
:hug: Thank you very much everyone for your replys and great information!

Not too sure when we are going to start trying, but I would like to learn abit more about my body and cycles before I do.

Thanks again for all this very useful information x :hug:
Another thing I forgot to mention is start tracking your cycle from now as it will make it alot easier when the time does come..

note down the days you start AF, your CM and descriptions and how long your cycles are...


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