ttc put on hold after recent natural Mc


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Hi all...

I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago.. at 6 weeks.

I had my bloods checked a few days after my bleed started and a scan which showed no pregnancy but very thick lining.. my blood levels were going down slower than the nurse liked so she said to come back in a week for a final scan...

So yesterday was the day i thought id be discharged but nope, although the Mc was complete they are now concerned that my lining is still very thick... she said i need to come back in 4 weeks for yet another scan and if its still thick i'll see a consultant straight away to discuss my options and that i may need help to fall pregnant in the future!

I am ..... all over the place!

I'm worried and upset... don't know what to expect?

Has anyone gone through this???

Thank xx
I guess no ones had this happen before?.... Sigh
I've not had this happen to me but I didn't want to read and run , firstly I'm sorry about ur loss and for the pinning I don't know but u have fallen pregnant already so of course u can fall pregnant by urself , I've heard about linings been to thick for an embryo to attach to but I don't know what u can do to help a thick lining get thinner have u googled ? X

Thanks for the reply..

I have had a look on google but it brings up scary stuff so i'm staying away from it....but seeing as they are leaving me until my next period til they want to see me again makes me feel like its not something serious.

Its the...I may need help getting pregnant part thats thrown me because ive fallen pregs on my own before.

I will have to wait until my period returns... the nurse said 4 - 6 that from the first day or last day of my bleed??

Hey hun,
I'm interested in the 'thick lining' as i've got a suspected ectopic and my lining
Is thick so maybe thats why its ectopic :s

I'm pleased theyre looking after you and taking it seriously.

When i had my natural mc i started bleeding on the 7th feb - everything came away 11th (sorry if tmi) and i stopped bleeding a few days after and my period started 10th March (my cycles are usually 30 days) so i think mine was based on the heavy bleeding and everything coming away as CD1 xxx
It may be that they clear out the lining first then it should grow thinner the next time as less build up but I could have my wires crossed. Best to wait and discuss with someone professional try not to be scared they are there to help you x
The lining should shed some when you have your period
After I mc'd the lining was thick so they scraped it back during the erpc which should hopefully help and reduce the bleeding some x
Thanks..i'm still waiting for my period to return.. its 30 days tomorrow...which was my regular cycle so i should get it back any time or in the next two weeks??

I've no idea...
I'm still bleeding from the MC
I've been bleeding for 6 weeks in total now
I mc'd (ie gushing blood and severe pain) about 3 weeks ago, and had ERPC 1 week ago
Not sure when to start counting down tbh as I don't know which bleed is most significant to start counting from
Getting kinda fed up now x
My personal experience was my regular cycle, i hope your period arrives soon xxx
MrsS, if it were me id count from the day you mc'd but if you continued bleeding and then had erpc your body might be confused. I've never had an erpc though so i'm guessing. To me, i would count from when the 'egg' leaves your body, sorry if thats overly graphic xxx
I don't know when it left though
As I say for 3 weeks o bled continuously but then one night it was really painful and heavy
I never did pass anything other than blood, hence the erpc
Will just wait and see I suppose x
I started spotting on the 3rd june...and passed the pregnancy on the 6th.. then stopped bleeding on 12th so mines been pretty straight forward...well apart from my lining is a concern to the doctors so thus is why i have another scan after my normal period returns which im gussing will be this week.

Sorry to hear your going thru such an awful time MrsS.. I would go see your gp maybe? did they scan you?

Id try and judge it from the eprc then, my friend ov'd two weeks after hers xxx
5 weeks tomorrow since the bleed started and i'm still waiting for AF show!

I'm getting rather fed up now :(

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