***TTC baby no 1/supplements ****


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
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Hello all

I would like some advice or thoughts on supplements.

I'm indecisive wether to take folic acid or any other combined supplements. I started taking folic acid in Oct/Nov when I started actively trying for about a month then I stopped taking them. I wanted to try naturally without any tablets etc now after doing some research they say you should be taking pregnancy supplement especially when trying to conceive as this increases fertility.

I would just like some advise or if anyone is in the same situation

I'm taking Seven Seas Preconception...The reviews seemed optimistic and they contain various vitamins including folic acid. It might be better to go for a combined one and get all the vitamins you can get?? :)
Thanks Mrslaw

I seen the seven seas in boots today, I was having a look at all the supplements to compare them. As you said the combined option seems to be the good option :)
I used to take folic acid but it made my cycles super long. So I stopped. Pregnancy vitamins all contain folic acid.

At the moment I take vitamin D, C, B complex, Zinc, pea protein and while milk. No fat free dairy product. Only all full fat.
Now thinking back my cycle was long last month about 42 days which is usually 28 days, I thought I OV late! Maybe taking folic acid made my cycle long? Interesting

Thanks charlotte9
Yea I was very annoyed because my cycle a lot longer. I prefer it to be 26 days. Take vitamins that don't have folic acid
. FAcid does not help to get pregnant. It's a must have once you are pregnant.
'Folic Acid' is recommended for women ttc & early pregnancy as adequate levels of folate are vital to help prevent neural tube birth defects (such as spina bifida) and defects in the brain. They recommend it for TTC because these defects can happen really early in pregnancy, before some women even realise they are pregnant, so if you are already taking it then your levels will be high, so not an issue.

However folic acid is a manmade form of folate and is not the ideal form, in fact it is actually toxic to some people. Personally I take a folate supplement, which is the natural form (methyl folate) and doesn't have those issues. Unfortunately the majority of combined supplements only have the synthetic form - so it takes more work online to track down supplements without it (they are mostly from USA)

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'Folic Acid' is recommended for women ttc & early pregnancy as adequate levels of folate are vital to help prevent neural tube birth defects (such as spina bifida) and defects in the brain. They recommend it for TTC because these defects can happen really early in pregnancy, before some women even realise they are pregnant, so if you are already taking it then your levels will be high, so not an issue.


Most combined TTC vitamins will have it in. I don't know anything about folate though.

I have been on a high dose of folic acid for years as I'm on other meds too. My cycle length did not change.
I was out and about today and purchased seven seas pre-conception pills. I will start these when AF comes (if it ever comes I'm on CD32 ) this month I have ovulated late due to long cycle this month and month before. Usually my cycles are 28days. Not sure what is going on :wall2:
I think taking folic acid when ttc is pretty important. Just switched from pregnacare conception to 7 seas trying for a baby. Seen some bad pregnancare reviews, last cycle was long, turns wee yellow so figured it might be best to swap! 7 seas have excellent Amazon reviews

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