TTC after miscarriage?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Anyone else ttc after a mc?

I've been ttc for 16 months and have just suffered my second mmc.

I had an erpc 2 weeks ago. My hpt are really faint now so I am expecting that I'll start ovulating again soon.

We are ntnp for a bit, although I wish we weren't now. I really want to get some opks and get cracking properly but I think hubby might not be ready to go all guns blazing just yet.

I'm feeling so desperate to get pregnant again but totally terrified of having another loss.

TTC and pregnancy will never be the same after having had losses so I thought it would be nice to have a thread where we can all support each other.

Good luck ladies!!

Sorry to hear about your losses Emily.

We are ttc after mc. We are now in year 4 ttc our first. I've had two pregnancies and two mcs in that time. Sucks doesn't it. We have waited so long for this it must surely be our turn soon. I can't stop worrying that it will never happen, I wish I knew what the outcome would be.
I had a miscarriage on Jan 26th, although I had stopped feeling pregnant a few weeks before. Those days/week between progress scans is a nightmare. In the end, three days I thought it was going 'normal', I bled heavily so needed help to remove the last remaining tissue at hospital. Luckily it then only lasted a few days, and I even got my sex drive back. I was so happy, thought I was getting over it. Then bam, bleeding again today after 5/6 days of not. I just want to be back to normal.

I had sex the days I wasn't bleeding, and although I knew it was likely I wouldn't get preg, I loved the stories where ladies had done, and just thought it could be me.... I'd even have been ok with af in like 2/3 week... But what's this? Am I having af, is the miscarriage still going on?

Rant rant rant sorry x
Oh hun I totally get you ttc after mc is so hard and it really does take the fun out of everything. I've lost 3 since last April and 6 between my son and daughter and 1 before her and it's not fun. The instant I see 2 lines I'm like yayyy I'm pregnant oh shit all in one breath.
The fear with every blood test and expecting the worse at every scan. You can't be positive you worry to much.... but if your strong/stupid I dunno which I am lol and you never give up eventually you get your rainbow baby.
At 36 weeks with oliver I had a complete meltdown in the consultants office sobbing tears snot the works full on panic attack because I was still convinced he was going to die even then. He agreed to induce me early for my own sanity.

But here I still am trying again with my first ov since the last mc...

I dunno what I'm trying to say think I got lost lol but it's hard and never the same journey but the prize is worth the fight. Good luck xxx
I know that it will all be worth it in the end.

I just never imagined that this is the way it would go.

Makes me realise how lucky I was with my son!

We dtd last night for the first time following my erpc, so I guess this is us officially trying again.

Hope it happens quickly.

I've 3 angels 1 before my 1st and 2 before number 2 - we relaxed and she came and stuck to my surprise so it can definitely happen. Said we would ntnp this year and aee but I think the theory's right ntnp doesn't really exsist just whether you opk and or take the more relaxed approach �� x
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Hiya everyone! First of all sorry for your losses:(
We are trying again aswell! Today my htp was negative but still lightly spotting.
Not sure if I want to wait a month or not? Do you all wait a month or do you go for it again? I do not want to harm my body as I had 2 in a row now but also do not have the patience to wait a cycle..
We aren't waiting.

I've been at it for 16 months, so I really don't have the patience to wait!

I don't blame you for not waiting! Its mainly my husband that sais he is scared I will over do it for my body if I got pregnant again this month.
But if I do want to try this month he will be OK with that.
I've been reading about aspirin as soon as you have a bfp? What are your thoughts on that?
I never waited was never told to but always seemed to conceive each time on the 3rd cycle when ttc not sure why I was perscribed aspirin with my second rainbow as had two miscarriages before her x
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Lilalylola, I really don't know anything about it tbh.

I'll ask Dr Google and get back to you!Lol!

Sarl1967- I got pregnant 3months after my first mc!!

Wonder if it'll be 3 months this time too?

I always heard you are more fertile after not sure if correct . I know its hard I thought we would never conceive again after the 3rd loss but she came and was worth it all. We wernt going to TTC again incase of losses n if we didn't catch as I'm older now as we had two n eldest had a sibling but decided to see what fate sent us im sure ur rainbows are just around the corner x
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I think aspirin is something I will discuss with my doctor.

Just from my quick Google search, there's a lot of various opinions on it and not really much evidence to support it helping a pregnancy.

I've read that you are more fertile after a loss too. Hope it's true.

I know and the longer it takes the more desperate you become!

We've been told the fact that we've already had a child together is a great sign as it shows that we are 'compatible' for want of a better word.

It also shows that I can carry a pregnancy to term.

All that has been said about the mcs, is that it's likely to be bad luck. That the egg wasn't perfect is what we were told! I joked to hubby after our first loss that next time I only want the good stuff, none of this dodgey sperm but when we were told that I looked at him and said it's all right love, you're off the hook!!

I figure we've gotten pregnant three times just doing what we're doing so, if as they say it really was just bad luck that we lost the last two, then there's no reason to change what we're doing or taking.

We're on the his and her conception vitamins and I do normally use OPKs but ntnp for a little while at the moment.

If I have another loss then we would be eligible for testing etc and then treatment plan would be tailored to whatever is wrong I guess.

I wouldn't take asprin unless you have been told to as it can cause mc as well as prevent it depending on your individual problems.

I've also heard about being more fertile after a loss. It wasn't the case for me as after each of my losses my cycle didn't come back at all and it took 15 months for us to conceive after our first loss. I think it is just your luck really. If you take the ladies here as a typical example I would say there are as many it hasn't been the case for as there are who it was.

Good luck to all :)
Yeah, I wouldn't take anything like that without asking my doctor first.

My hcg levels have dropped off pretty quickly- tests are nearly negative now, so I'm praying that my body will go back to normal quickly.

I won't bother with aspirin then, me and OH already have 2 children together so I suppose it must be bad luck then..
You know what I found a strange feeling?! I wanted my test to be negative so bad after every loss! Feels really strange to not want to see a line! My frer was negative today.
Also had a blood test today to see if my levels have gone back to normal.
Yeah praying for a negative is a right head fuck!!

I've read your meant to wait for you to be able to date the pregnancy more accurately and not give yourself a HF about maybe the baby been small, when really your dates are out. I think when your emotional ready just do what feels right for you. Even tho I thought I was ready, I did have a bit of a cry yesterday from the bleeding again only 5/6 days after the bleeding stopped. I have been reading, like we do! That you need to wait and have no bleeding for 20 days for it to be classed as a period.

I tested today and was negative, but I felt relieved things were moving in the right direction. I did question the test tho as it came in a 20 pack with A bbt test from Amazon.

I'm 38 and have 3 children, 19,12,6... I can't believe what I've learnt from this pregnancy that I didn't know in my 20 years of having children. I never thought miscarriage was something that would happen to me! How naive was I? Saying that I never thought I'd get preg at 18 with my first BF! Doh

So yes it's a big learning curve. I love these forums and hearing from other girls too. Makes me not feel alone, and it's really comforting when your brain just won't switch off!

Facebook.... Well I've deactivated it a month ago, can't face it! Instagram has taken its place!

I found this on my hours of trawling Google. Some of you may find it useful, just pick out the bits you like.

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