Oh I'm so sorry for your loss
The way I see it, when it comes to how long to wait, you are sort of in the same position of those of us who have m/c'ed. Or like any lady who has just given birth, sometimes it takes them a while to conceive again anyway due to hormone levels, sometimes not.
You are like those of us who have m/c'd, but with added nightmarishness
So I would suggest seeing how you get on emotionally, perhaps get some counselling if you feel that would help you. I had to have a D + C (which they botched
) then I'm waiting 2 proper periods before I try again. This was my second miscarriage and for me I need to wait. (This was the length of wait the doctors recommended too.)
I also want to give my baby the best chance, eat all the vitamins etc, because baby Henno was a happy surprise
so the 'ground' wasn't prepared for him properly as well as it could have been.
I know a lot of the other ladies though are diving straight back in!
So it's up to you- what have your doctors recommended? Will they give you extra folic acid (I have to take a much higher dose, as an epilepsy med I'm on means a higher risk of neural tube problems) and in general what do they say? Perhaps you could have a good chat to them and see what they suggest.
Best wishes to you and your partner