Trip to the hospital


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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So I went to the toilet, and my lady department had swollen up even more, and on one side part of it had swollen up to about the size of a ping pong ball. It freaked me out seeing that! lol
So the midwife said to come up to the hospital...and they said its proboly normal :S
Im no doctor but come up, its not supose to be THAT swolen.
They said if it gets worse to come back worse do they want it to get lol
So yeah, just thought Id let you all no :lol:
That dopesnt sound right! Sounds like a swollen Bartholemew (sp?) gland if anything though.

if they arent concerned then dont you worry about it, it'll no doubt go down. :hug:
Ooooh hun, doesnt sound nice hope it clears up soon! :hug:
swollen bits arent good at all... mine do it lots lately. I feel am a dude about to drop his package sometimes :lol:

That really doesnt sound good tho hun. Hope it vamooshes asap xxx
:hug: Thanks guys.
Atleast I cant see down there cause of my bump (unless i really try), so I dont have to look at it very often. good thing as it freaks me out :lol:
not a cyst is it or even a spot?
did they take a look at it? ping pong balls are pretty big!!
Yeah she had a look at it.
and she said because its not sore, hard or hot then it doesnt look anything to worry about.
As its quite soft.
It is about the size of a ping pong ball, maybe a bit smaller but around that size :(
owwwccchhhh sound s nasty, i have a mssive spt down there and can i get to it can i heck.. it sounds like u have a cyst hun. it should go on its own just dont prod it to much try a bag of frozen peas wraped in a towel should help the discomfot/swelling :hug: :hug: :hug:
Eeek...doesn't sound too good! I would def go back to the hospital if it gets any worse. Did they say if it would go down by itself and how long it would take?! :(
So I went to the toilet, and my lady department had swollen up even more, and on one side part of it had swollen up to about the size of a ping pong ball.

OUCH!!!!! I can't believe that is normal in any human situation! Poor thing xxx
I went to the mat unit when my lower right back was in agony, it wasnt my back as such but a sharp horrible pain in my side - they did checks and the doctor even saw me and they couldn't tell me what it was expected that ligaments are growing etc. Think they thought i was a complete woosie who had some 'growing pains'.

anyway, it got agnosingly worse that i was crying and couldn't move so i rang again that aftrnoon and they said it woudl take ages to see me, she knew it was me again and seemed a bit patronizing over the phone. I decided to go A&E but my GP said they would see me within the couple of hours so went there instead. he knew straight away that it was a trapped nerve and completely empathised with the pain element and told me it was okay to take a couple of neurofen when it gets so bad im upset to take the inflamation down and to rest etc and keep moving positions.

Basically, i would say see your GP or the nurse at your surgery if you are concerned still as i got the impression form the hospital, not that i was wasting thier time, more like they felt a bit sorry for me and that i might have been blowing it out of proportion. And the doctor there couldnt even tell me i had a trapped nerve!
The last time i was pregnant i got a big lump about the size of 5p coin, it was white and i went to see the dr, she said it was a swollen gland as there is lots down there and they can flair up during pregnancy. I just forgot about it, then just after i had my baby the midwife said to me quietly did i know i had a cyst down there and i said oh yeah i forgot about it and that i had seen dr about it! It disapeared within days of having Harry.
awh I hope your ok Jazzmum!! I would defo keep an eye on it and go back if your not happy with it!

:hug: hope your ok

ooh dear swollen bits are not good are they!
Have you tried to look with a hand mirror, might look smaller if you see it for yourself.


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