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Total newb! 11lb newborn feeds??


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2012
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Well...we have been trying to feed her enough so she is full but not too much that it gives her tummy ache. It's really hard!! On the formula it says for her age should be 90ml 6 feeds per 24 hrs but it's not enough and she is still hungry. For her weight it says 180ml 5 feeds per 24hrs...but it seems to give her a bad belly having that much.

I am seeing midwife tomo so can aske her but just wondered what other mums with large greedy babies do?

We thought maybe giving her 90ml but every 2/3 hrs to keep he satisfied and can wind her and hopefully no tummy ache. What do you reckon?

I feel like such a crappy mum with these things but it's all trial an error I suppose lol. Xxx

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i always just went by my baby, if they drank 3oz id make 4 in a bottle just in case they wanted more, then when they drank 4 id make 5. i did waste a little milk but baby was happy so a little milk was least of my worries x x x
ignore what the formula tin says. Not all babies conform to that.

we just fed on demand. So go with her, when she gives hungry signals, feed her. offer her a 5oz bottle and let her take what she wants. Then let her tell you when she is hungry again.

she will eventually settle into a better pattern of every 2, 3 or 4hrs.

sounds like she has a good healthy appetite!
I would say feed on demand.. But with caution.. LOL I used to feed J on demand then he got silent reflux and would eat and eat then he'd be all bunged up wouldn't sleep and just cried. Thankfully it died down. But he would take 5oz every 3h HV says that's a good healthy feed but then when it bunged him up the other Hv says that's far too much.

We had to go roughly on hours.. I'd give a 4oz feed then if he wanted fed quite soon after I'd have to cut the oz. It was hard but we had to do it. Its not like I was deliberately overfeeding evry 3h you'd think he was starved it was a shame.

Not every baby gets this though so don't panic and feed as baby wants it, I'm just saying to keep a wee eye on just how much your lo is eating.. xxxxx
Thank you for all advice!

Well she had 120ml in about a minute and just wanted more and more and more and wouldn't stop crying but I couldn't give her more as she'd be really Ill. Instead I have just changed trays and she is much slower with them and so far had regular little feeds and no tears! Hooray! Hopefully lasts through our the night and can be in routine :D xxx

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She'll will stop when she's full hun. Babies don't know greed Xx

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Us she just wanting to suck??? For comfort??? Have u tried a dummy??
When you say it seems to give her a bad belly, what makes you think this? Does she seem to have problems with wind? Or will she bring milk back up? Personally I would say her tummy trouble isn't necessarily to do with the quantity she eats. If offered more, will she stop sucking from the bottle at some point and appear satisfied? Depending on her tummy troubles, have you considered changing formula? I started my son on SMA, but he had awful problems with wind and green poos on it! So swapped to aptimil and he settled so much more after that.

I wouldn't pay any attention whatsoever to the back of the formula packet and go with what your baby wants. My son was big when he was born - 9lbs 1. He's never eaten what it says he should have. Even now, at 10 weeks and 14lbs, some feeds he has 3oz, others he'll happily polish off 7oz. He settled quickly into a habit of feeding every 3-4 hours, so I make up some 5oz and some 6oz bottles and offer him more or less depending on what he usually has at that time of day.
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Should also say, my son is following the 91st centile nicely for his weight and in relation to his 98th centile height.

I'm very much a believer in feeding on demand. When first born, it's instinct rather than anything else.
Agree with feeding on demand. My lo was average when born (8lb4) and has always taken much more than what it says on the tin. She's still on the 50th line and takes 9oz at 4 months which is what it says a 7/8mo old should have.

I would just make up a "big" feed, say 5oz and let her decide what she wants xxx
My LO would overeat due to the reflux. He would cry at the teat and still want more. Wouldn't have a dummy. And in the end it was the quantitiy he was taking in that was far too much for his wee tumtum.

She is really good with wind. I think what it may be is that she sleeps all the time so we expected her to wake up to eat...so when she did it was like 4-5 hours with no cries. So we had to wake her to change bum etc. and she just gulped soo much! She did this at holospital too and they said she has eaten too much. Today she just has slept and we have kept waking her up regularly and topping her up with some milk and she seems to be happy. No more rooting afterwards. She does have a dummy as we thought it was that but that calms her...her face when wanting more is like...just licking the air and sucking her hand. We h e also been doing the colic stuff which has seemed to help soooo much. Xxx

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