Too early to see a doctor?

In Dreams

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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I came off the pill beginning of August and since then I've had a 34 day cycle, followed by 62 and 60 days cycles. I'm now on CD48. When I went for my asthma check up last month I mentioned it to the nurse and she just said that they will sort themselves out soon. I know it can take a while for them to become regular again but it's now starting to get to me.

My question is, when should I go and see the doctor about them?
Not sure if it's the same with the pill as it is with the depo and coil but I was told could take up to a year. I think for pill it might be 6 months tho :s
the pill can take a year for some ppl. the hormones in the pill basically stopped your ovaries from working so it will take some time for thigns to regulate. the fact that you are on your 4th cycle is reassuring, soem ladies have nothing at all. i dont think your gp would do anything at this point for you unfortunately :(
Yeah, that's what I thought, I will hang on a bit longer then and see what happens. I've been reading that some people haven't had anything since coming off the pill so I guess I am fortunate in that way, I'm just impatient lol. Just wished I had known about this before coming off the pill.. oh well.
I know!! I totally agree you should be advised that their 'may' be a delay in cycles returning to normal.

I'm incredibly impatient too so undertsand ur frustration.
hiya hun, im seeing my dr again on tues for similar reason...i came off the pill end of hjuly and my cycles have been 37... 36...81 (and i think i only had af bcoz i started taking ac around cd 75)....26 and im currently on cd 44 (so iv started back up on ac as it looks like another long cycle ahead) worried as it seems to be every other cycle with me. i went to dr end of dec and she said if it carries on in new yr shes refer me for a scan coz my stomach has doubled in size and it painful on regular basis. I guess it depends on the individual hun but im going now and again so that its on record that im having probs

hope ur cycles sort themselves out soon for you tho hun, its so frustrating isnt it

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