Hey girls, not long home. Thanks Mamafy and Lisa I saw you say you'd text but I haven't been checking my phone.
Niamh managed to get a hold of a spray bottle of something called Deep Sleep. Mixture of essential oils, main ingredient is chamomile.
I had no idea it was there, let alone that she could take off the top, then unscrew the lid
Was only gone for a minute to use the loo, came back and she had the straw bit of the spray in her mouth, and saw her suck all the oil out of it. Bottle was totally empty, couch wet but had no idea if she'd drunk out of the bottle.
Scared the life out of me, grabbed the bottle and saw it was hazardous, not to be used on skin, etc.
So rang NHS 24, and they said it was very toxic. I was sort of thinking, ok you get chamomile tea so surely not? She seemed fine, lips swollen and a bit of coughing but that was it. But nurse said take her straight to A&E apparently due to the essential oils being very dangerous.
We had to stay in A&E for 6 hours to let Nim be monitored. They spoke about getting us a paeds bed, but in the end said they would if she needed it after the 6 hours. So 6 hours was up at about 11pm. Thankfully she was still fine, and they let us go.
Niamh didn't sleep a wink at all, so she was getting really upset. She's tucked up, happy in bed now though and I have made her promise not to frighten Mummy like that again!
I just turned my back for a second, I don't think I've ever been so frightened as thinking something might happen to her. Really horrible, but thankfully amounted to nothing.